Forever HIS:::Chapter 30

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Chapter 31

Adina’s POV

Tears ran down my eyes uncontrollable. My life was as confusing as the universe. Why the hell couldn’t I be normal?

Why couldn’t I be an average teen? Why couldn’t I have normal teen problems?

Right now I should be worrying about what I was going to wear tomorrow; I shouldn’t be worrying about what the hell I was going to do with my lying parents, mate, and crazy grandma.

“Hey.” I jumped out of my skin when I heard a tiny shrill like voice. I turned to see the girl we saw in the morning with Sammy.

“What are you doing here?” I snapped with a sudden fierceness. I didn’t need a rude bitch with me now.

“Sorry about today. I just thought you were going to leave with your Alpha boyfriend, and leave your kingdom in the hands of your grandma. Now that your stayi-”

“Why the hell do you think that I’m going to stay? I want to be normal not whatever this is.” I felt like a lunatic, screaming at this tiny girl. I probably was a lunatic. 

“I know, but anything is better than our princess going back to a mutt.” Why did the witches hate the wolves? “History is a bitch.” Guess that sums it up.

Before I knew it she offered me a bottle. I stared at it for a second, and then gasped when I realized what it was. Why did someone so small have a bottle of vodka?

“Drink, it helps mellow everything down. You really need a mellow pill.” Was that the kind way of saying I was crazy?

Guess it was a start. I grabbed the bottle and knocked it back. The slow burn down my thought was exactly what I needed.

The taste of the alcohol was so unusual to me. This was my first drink of something this strong. “What the hell is in this?”

“Relax…it’s stronger than usual boozes. It takes longer for supernatural beings to get drunk. So they just make the drinks stronger. These boozes kill the average human.”

“What if I was human, I would have been dead now…”

“I know my land’s princess is not human.”

“By the way…I didn’t catch your name…:”

“Daggy’s the name.”

Daniel’s POV


“DON’T yell at me. I’m helping you.” That’s what you say. All she was doing now was wasting my time.

I just needed to have her back in my arms. I felt I was going insane. If I knew a mate could do this to me I would have never wanted one.

I should have rejected her when I still had a chance.

The pain in my heard was boiling over the top. I needed her. It was like she was my life force. Without her I was afraid I was going to die any second now.

But it wasn’t like I didn’t understand her motives. Everything was dumped on her in under a week. I would over load too.

“You need to calm down and take a sit now…” I stared down at the tiny thing that was commanding me. How did we get here?

I reluctantly listened to the girl who promised me that she would get my mate back for me. “What can I do to get her back?”

“Clear your mind, and listen to what we are going to do to get her back.” It was weird to get plans from the enemy. She could easily ruin me, but she was my only hope.

“Why are you helping me?” I knew asking my hope was a bad idea, but I just needed to know.

“Because…Everyone needs to be lov-“

“Don’t give me that crap.” I growled with a sudden fierceness. I stared the witch’s ashamed face, and finally realized the only reason she was helping. “You want her to leave so you’ll be the next queen.”

“No.” The crack in her voice gave her away.

“Okay I don’t care about your motives as long as I have her back in my arms.”

“I’ll make sure to do that.”

She gestured me to come closer. As if this was the most secretive thing in the world. I let in to her childish games and bent to her height and listened to our plan.


The beating lights were enough to give a human a seizure. Why the hell was she here? This was a club for a major partier.

This wasn’t a place for my Nina. This wasn’t even a place for me.

“Are you sure she’s here?”

“Certain, a bunch of maids saw her leave with Daggy.”

My breath hitched when I saw my angel gracefully moving through the dance floor. Suddenly my palms were sweaty. “Are you sure this is a good plan?”

“Don’t be a prick. Go in there and apologize.” She gently pushed me into the direction of my loved one.

I dragged my willing feet to the dance floor to find my mate who rejected me.

Samera’s POV

I barely could stand here and watch him get mauled by my princess. If they weren’t in a club, with beating music, they would look like a pair of lunatics.

But everything changed when he’s face suddenly grew fierce. She said something to piss him off.

He looked like he was going explode.

All he’s sorrow was gone but there was anger to substitute for it.

My heart started to go into a state of frenzy when he started to shake. Would he turn here? It would spread throughout the land. It would ruin he’s families reputation.

Before I knew it he grabbed her and threw her over he’s shoulder. And headed to the exit. What the Hell was He doing? This wasn’t our plan!

I rushed to he’s side, afraid he was about cause a scene. “What are you doing?”

All he could do was growl in response. Shit. We were in deep shit now.


I know, short. But I promise the next chapter will be jammed packed with twists and turns. Sorry about the long wait but now I am determined to get you ‘Forever His’. J


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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