Forever HIS:::Chapter 15

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Chapter 16

Daniel's POV

She felt good in my arms...

I wasn't the one to be head over heels romantic, neither was I the cold heartless man. I didn't know what I was....all I knew was I was going to mend myself so that would make her happy.

She was worth my wait....even though my wait was about a 3 days, but that was the longest 3 days ever. I was glad that I wasn't one of those Alphas who sleep in, and have a different girl in his bed every day.

Yes, I have a 'reputation' for being a player, but to tell the truth I have only kissed two girls, and one of those girls were my mom.

But that was going to change really soon...well I hope...

A shot of fear shot though me, and found it's place at the bottom of my stomach. My body had a terrible habit of confusing fear with excitement....or maybe it was fear.

“Daniel?” I looked down at my sleeping angel, and all my fear was gone. She looked so....Beautiful. She didn't look one of those fake girls, neither did she look like one of those girls how got lost in the crowds, she had a her own category. I can definitely learn how to be hers.

“Yes Nina.” I whispered back, not wanting to ruin the perfect silence. I looked at her more closely to find she was still sleeping. I was over whelmed at the feeling of happiness just at that small act, she was dreaming about me.

I could feel the weight of my eyelids winning the war, I guess I can relax now that I had her. I let the weight of my eye lids bring me down.


She was there right in the middle of our meadow, she was crying for some reason...what did I do?

“I h-hate you, HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME!” She sobbed, a horrible feeling filled me. What did I do? And how can I get her back into my arms where she belonged.

“Adina, how did this to you? Where is the bastard?” I begged her to tell me, I just needed her to say it wasn't me who did this to her.

Forever HISDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora