Forever HIS:::Chapter 26

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Chapter 27

Daniel's POV

My love was gone.....because she was a Princess.

That was the most confusing logic since Disney. I mean seriously. Pluto is a dog that lives outside, but then again Micky's best friend is a dog.

Yes she was a Princess, she's my Princess.

Also the fact remains, that I was a prince so that automatically makes her the Princess of Terabeca.

But the Princess of the Magics, was too much to believe!

I heard that all the royals of the magics are really...strict. Their mean and will do anything to get what they want.

My Nina wasn't a cold hearted beast.

Then again I only knew her for a day, and I “cheated” on her. So why would she trust me to show her real self.

I mentally back handed my doubting about my love...but I did lie to her about the prince part, well not exactly lie but I didn't tell her the truth.

I felt confused.

Suddenly a light bulb lit in my head.

My Nina must have been the most powerful person I ever met.

Hybrids are already really powerful, having two parts of two different worlds in one. Royals are really powerful too.

And my mate was both.

A burst of pride spread throughout my frame. My mate was not a hybrid, she was a royal hybrid. Our children were going to be fantastic.

Well I could only have children if she was here.

“Take that stupid look on your face and listen.” Were they still here?

“How did you find us....I mean me?”

“She sent a distress call when she was getting attacked. Where the hell were you when she was getting attacked.”

“I was chasing her.” That didn't come out like I intended it to.

“Why were you chasing her?” Enough with the damn question!

“I was chasing her because we had a misunderstanding, now can we move on...”

“I'm still not very clear on this whole situation. Why were you chasing my sister?”

“She saw me kissing a girl-”


We left our little sister here for 3 seconds and you already broke her heart!”

“ I already feel like a complete jack not make it worse. The girl kissed me! She's been plotting our down fall every since she saw Nina. Stacy-”

“Wait... is this bitch Stacy Brown?”

“ did you know?”

“Stacy that bitch. That would explain where she's been...”

“How do you....

“She's apart of our pack. She keeps disappearing into thin air, then she comes home like nothing happened.. And now we know where she was. She would have made Addie's life a living hell if we weren't there.”That sounds like Stacy.

“Okay, I do not give a shit about Stacy. She can rot in hell. Just tell me why my mate was just ambushed by witches. ”

“Well my mom is the princess of the magic-”

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