Forever HIS:::Chapter 28

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Chapter 29

Daniel's POV

She will be in my arms at 4:00 pm, pacific standard time. And that old mad queen will be on the floor at 4:05, 4:10 depending on how much Nina missed me. I couldn't wait until she was in my arms again. I needed her back, I couldn't explain it but I just needed her. It wasn't an exact science. After I have her back in my arms, I was going to make those damn ninja witches pay. How dare they take what was mine!

I was pissed off, the time for sadness had passed and now I was just mad. I kept on waiting for her fear to hit me but it never did. She was my fearless warrior.

All I was worried about was that she was going to be freaked by her Gran. Even though I knew she could take care of herself, I still had that bad feeling about all this magic business.

Magic never ends well.

That's why most witches just choose to ignore there magical side. And that was exactly what we were going to do.

But she was my strong girl, she could defend herself.

Everything was going to be fine. This was just a bump. A very very big bump. But she was my warrior, we were going to get thought this. She was very good at taking things in.

She turned, she left her family, she found her mate all in one week. After all it did only take her 1 day to kiss me. And she also told me she loved me on that same day.

“Are you listening? This is your shitting fault, and your day dreaming?” My head snapped to see one of my personal devils glaring at me. He and he's twin have been up my ass since I met them.

Did they not get that I was in secret pain? My mate ran away from me the night she told me she loved me, because a bitch attacked me with an ambush kiss. Then before I could even explain everything she was gone.

“It is not my Damn FAULT. It was that hoes fault that Nina wasn't at my side when she got kidnapped.”

“You mean the kiss? The kiss you shared with another girl?” I wasn't the real bastard here, it was them being the bastards for keep reminding me about that disgusting. Stacy's kiss felt like acid on my lips, especially compared to Nina's super kiss.

“Taylor, Stop, and Shut up and sit down, now.”

“Why is he fantasying about our sister in the first place?” God, why were they born with mouths?

“Taylor, Trevor shut up and sit down. Your annoying the shit out of all of us.”

“But it is he's fault! If he could have kept your dirty mouth shut we wouldn't be in this mess.”

“Lay off him. NOW. I'm going to rip off both your heads. God I never realized you were this annoying. Stacy is the bitch in this equation. Pun intended.”

“She's going to be pissed....but that's not our problem. It's yours.” Would Nina be terribly mad if I went crazy on her twin brothers? Or at least one. It wouldn't be that bad, there would be another to replace it.

“It's all our fault. We should have been paying more attention. Instead of being distracted by girls.” Unlucky for me, I was distracted by the wrong girl.

Even though it was completely that bitches fault, I still felt bad for kissing it. I felt like a complete ass for even kissing it for a second. I...I tried to push her away but she was too strong, too persistent . And I didn't want to hurt a girl. Or a beast, I'm not really sure what she is.

“Prince Ryans, we're going to land in about ten minutes.” I nodded at the young stewardess only paying half my attention to her. She's been trying to get my attention all this flight, but I had bigger things on my mind.

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