Forever HIS:::Chapter 4

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Chapter 5

Adina POV

I couldn't keep my eyes off the beautiful wolf in the lake. Who was the that beautiful creature. In the lake?

That is us, stupid. Aren't we a beauty. That voice in my head sang, what the heck was that!?!?

Again, I am your wolf , Julia. I'm your other side. Wait if she is my other side then, why am I only meeting her today?

Your only meeting me today is because you have been suppressing me for 16 years… Oops, sorry.

No prob hon, it wasn't your fault, in fact I wasn't suppose to come out for a month. Okay, okay can some one please give me a explanation! I am a freaking WOLF!

Calm down hon, I will explain everything. You are a … um your a werewolf, and so is about half of the school.

WHAT!?! Why wasn't I told? Wait, does that mean Lizzy is one?




JOEL?!?! I mean he couldn't have hurt a fly

yes, now calm down and let me continue. Your blood line is very powerful, your family has held the Alpha position for decades. What is a Alpha?

They haven't told you anything yet. She sighed. NO ONE told me anything!

Calm down grump. An Alpha is the leader of the pack, you know a pack of werewolves. WOW this was too much for me to handle

Adina calm down, do not faint on me!

Don't worry I won't. It is just a lot to process.

Calm down hon, all of your brothers are going to come jumping of the woods in a few moments, and please hurry it up, I AM STARVING. Um okay...wait how do you know that.

Oh, our sense of smell is really developed now, and so is every thing else don't worry I teach you how to use it later, but now I need to eat.

Before I could ask about that, I felt the presence of 3 wolves in the clearing I was in, who the hell was that. I tensed up, my wolf sense taking over. I turned around to take a defensive position, I let out a growl slip out of my mouth. I was ready to ponce, but before I could I caught 3 scents that smelled a little too familiar. I sighed in relieve, the big oafs in front of me were my brothers.

I relaxed a little, those big oafs weren't going to hurt me, Ha, the thought of them hurting me made me laugh. The big oafs looked way different in wolf form, the big dark brown wolf was the first to catch my eye. It was the same wolf that greeted me when I changed, I was assuming the wolf was Gabe, because he was the biggest out of all of them. The wolf next to Gabe was a lighter color of brown, he had a crazy wolfy grin spread across he's face, this grin looked so goofy I knew straight away that the wolf was Taylor for sure. The last wolf was about the same color as Taylor so I only assumed to be Trevor, because of the twin thing. Trevor had the same grin on his face, that was creepy all of them had the same grin on their faces.

Addy, is that you? All three of their voices said in unison

Yep, it's me, what do I look different? Note the sarcasm

Well kind of. Gabe's voice laughed

Kind of? Did they not see that I was a freaking WOLF!

So … what's up kiddo, anything new? Taylor causally said, as he trotted over to the lake to get a drink. I looked at him in awe, did he seriously think this was normal!

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