Forever HIS:::Chapter 16

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Chapter 17

Adina's POV

Do you know that point were you just can't sleep anymore....

well I was well beyond that Point

I tried every thing to go to sleep, I tried to count the sheep jumping over the wall. I did that until I was questioning the existence of them.

Why did sheep Baa?

I tried counting backwards until I was at -53. and still nothing.

Talk to him... Julia has been trying to convince me to talk to him, she begged me to let her in control. But I had the feeling if I let her out we be doing more than just Talking.

Oh come on, I will behave, and what is the worst I could do without you coming back to conciseness? And I know you would like what I did...

No Julia don't you dare try to make me change my mind. A voice barked into my mind, it took me a whole minute to realize it was me...

Some one growing a back bone. Good, about time you found yours. Don't be a push over, Daniel needs his Luna by his side, not a pusher. I didn't say anything back because I knew she was right.

I need to go back to sleep ….





“ awake?” He's husky tired voice whispered.

“Yes.” That was all I choke up, he's voice might have been the sweetest thing I ever heard, but it was also the voice that made me choke up every time I heard it.

“I can't sleep...”

“Me neither.” Long pause, insert here....

“Do you want to talk?”

“Sure.” Again with the silence. Why did I have to sound like such a idiot in his presence?-“How many siblings do you have?”

“7 brothers.” I answered so natural, I did technically have 7 brothers...

“Your parents really need to find a hobby..” He chuckled.

“NO, Not like that.” I whispered shouted, his hand covered my mouth still laughing.

“Shh Nina....your going to wake everyone up...” By now he was laughing like crazy.

“My parents aren't like wouldn't I have a sister by now?” I was laughing now, his hand was still on my face so it sounded like 'mi marents arem't mike mhat....lus moudn't I mave a mister by now.' That seemed to set us off like crazy.

“I'll lick you if you don't move your hand.” I threatened but he was laughing so hard, he didn't listen.

“Eww...Nina you licked me! You dog!” He laughed, ironic isn't it?

“Who's the real dog here, Mr. Alpha?”

“You Mocking me, little girl.” He laughed as he looked down with fake dis-belief in his eyes, God he was adorable.

“Who you calling little? Look at your self, little boy.” I almost forgot how to breath when I saw the his ego take a punch in it's face.

“Who you calling a little boy, girly?” he said in a fake dangerous tone. As if he would do anything to me.

Suddenly I was on my back, pinned to his comfy bed. I was waiting for my instincts to kick in but they didn't. I looked up to my attacker and all fear seemed to fade away.

“Surrender, or else...” He growled in a playful tone, that big goof ball, but he was my big goof ball.

“Or else What?” I challenged him in a mocking tone. “You'd never hurt me.”

“True...but I will do something even worst.” He had a diabolical glint in his eye, which made me curious what he would do.

Before I could ever ask, he was tickling me like crazy. A storm of laughter boomed out of me, tickling was one of my very few weakness.

“Surrender.” My big goof ball demanded.

“Never...” I laughed, this was the first time I was happy in a very long time.

Ever since I found out I was half wolf every thing had been a tad confusing, no slash that a lot confusing.

Suddenly, just as fast as it started it stopped, but I was still pinned down.

“What's wrong?” He said with a worried expression glued to his face, damn he could read me like a book. I was always the one how was able to keep a straight face.

“Yeah I'm Fine.” My voice rose half a octave, I couldn't lie very well.

“Yeah right, spill.” That was all he had to say for me to want to tell him all my problems.

“It's just I'm confused...every thing happening is simply too much for me, my parents not telling me I am half WOLF, and then me moving away from every thing I knew to come here, and now I don't know if I am going to have my heart broken, it's all very confusing..” I avoided eye contact, I didn't want to see me as a weak push over, I needed to be his Strong Luna.

“Hey, look at me...” He gently pulled my head so I could see his face. “I promise as long as I live I will protect you with everything I have, and that means I will Never break your heart.” His word sounded so strong and determine I just had to listen.

I sighed and pushed him off me, for a second I could tell he was scared to see my response. I was thinking of going and sleeping on the couch but I couldn't leave him.

I rested my head on his chest and took one more deep breath, and fell asleep...

I dreamed of the life we would have if he kept his promise.

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