Forever HIS:::Chapter 11

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Chapter 12

Adina’s POV

“Good morning sleeping beauty, how’d you sleep?” Trevor’s gleeful voice woke me up, I heard a bit of distress in his voice, something was wrong.

                “Are we there yet?” I whined I slept for like 4 hours last night, because I stayed up with every one until like 5am, we stayed up and watched 7 movies.

                “No, we stopped for gas do you want anything.” I groaned in frustration, I want to sleep in a normal bed.

                “Yes, I want Cheetos; I wake me up when we get there.”  I heard he’s low chuckle, but there was definitely something wrong. I lived with him for almost 17, I knew him when he was trying to hide something.

I shrugged and put my head down determined to get more sleep. Before I could fall asleep, my annoying phone buzzed. I growled and opened one tired eye and checked it, I was waiting a text from Lizzy. A small smile lit my face, it wasn’t Lizzy but it was Hunter, he hadn’t called my since I told him that I was going to Pieter’s pack, I thought he was mad at me or something.

Hey Babe

I miss u

I heard u changed ;) I really want to see the changed you, I bet ur hot ;)

Good news, I talked to the coach, he said I can leave half way through the game to come and see u,

I promise to give u a good time.



Wait, was he hitting on me? And why did he text way too many XOXOs? This was the first time ever that he hit on me, wait was it because I changed and turned hot. I slowly thought about every possible situation, and it always turned out him hitting on me.

Hunter and I were never the ones that couldn’t keep out hands off each other. We were the childhood sweethearts, I remember when we were 7 and he would pick flowers for me, and I would kiss him on the cheek. For God sake I haven’t even lost my first kiss, shocker isn’t it? Every other girl my age was either acting like a slut, or with child.

“Something wrong Addie?” Trevor’s worried voice asked. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts.

“N-no, Where’s my Cheetos?” I asked trying to change the subject

                “Didn’t have any.” Pieter blurted

                “That sucks.” Her whines and her.

                “Yeah it sucks.” He muttered dryly.


“Hey, did you see Trevor?”

                “No, but I think I saw him ran off to the forest.”  He said lazily, driving for 6 hours does things to you. I glanced down at my phone; Hunter wouldn’t go that low, would he?

                “You’re a guy right?” Pieter might help me; maybe I am over thinking this.          

                “Yeah, last time I checked.” He chuckled; I blushed and shook my head,

                “Not like that, I mean you know how a guy thinks, right?”

                “I guess...” I handed him my phone with the text on it.

                “What does that mean?” I could see the color escape from his face, what’s his problem?

                “W-who is this from?” He said utterly horrified.

                “My Boyfriend, Hunter.” I simply said, Pieter looked scared for a second, but it was quickly covered by a chilled expression.

                “He’s flirting with you what’s wrong with that.”

                “It’s just that he never did…well until I changed.”

                “Wait he’s a wolf.” He said horrified.

                “That’s what Gabe said.”   

                “How long have you…dated?” He asked, he sounded desperate; like he’s life depended on it.

                “It’s not that serious, we knew each other like forever and he just asked me out , a few months, and we live in different cities. That’s my problem I think he gave me a new found interest just because I changed.” I stated worriedly, I could see relief cross his face. “He might be my mate.” Pieter chuckled and shook his head.

                “Believe me, he isn’t.” he muttered silently. How did he know?

                “What should I do?”

                “I think you need to consider a brake up, don’t want to ruin a friendship. Plus I bet you’ll find someone else, like in a dance or something.” He hinted, what’s his problem.

                “I think I need to take a run.”  

                “Are you sure, let’s go to the pack house first, it’s been a long drive, hasn’t it?” Seriously what is wrong with him?

                “I will be there, where is the pack house? I will be there after my run.” I started for the woods, he wasn’t going to stop me look for my brothers.

                “The pack house is to the south.” He said in defeat, and pointed to the huge house in the distance.

                “Thanks Pieter see you in a bit.”

I ran into the woods and changed in mid step. It felt so good to be back on four paws. I relaxed at the sound of the mellow forest. I sniffed the aroma of the musky forest, and then an amazing scent invaded my nose. It smelled so musky and manly, my wolf purred at the smell of that scent.”

Adina please give me control, I need to find him. Julia panicked; please just give me control for a second.

I sighed in defeat and let her take over I was afraid if I didn’t she would burst into flames.  She roared in victoriously and started to run with all her might, Julia what is wrong?

Relax; I’m getting our mate Adina.

With every step we took the closer I came to the scent, that amazing scent.

Suddenly I entered a huge clearing, I looked around feeling another presents. I looked around to find a pair of dark eyes staring at me. I felt enchanted by his gaze; all I wanted to do was bring him close to me. I realized I was slowly trotting toward him.

I gave him a second glance to see he was the big magnificent black wolf.

 I whimpered back in fright, was he going to hurt me? I stopped in my place and started to go back, I needed to get away. The wolf has a hurt expression on his face, I felt bad, extremely bad.

The black wolf slowly started to come for me, in a non-threating manner. I relaxed and met him half way, the closer I got him, and the safer I felt.

I started to nuzzle his neck, I felt his deep purring.

Daniel. Julia purred, Daniel that sounds right.

Suddenly I felt his purring turns into a growl, what did I do wrong? Then the magnificent wolf lunged for a kill.





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