Fovever HIS:::Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Daniel POV

My wolf was going crazy! He was begging to take over, to find her, to find my Adina. I wasn't sure I could repress him any more.

Go get her! My wolf screeched at me.

I tried to call Pieter about 100 times, but he just turned it off! Which just made me and my wolf enraged. But before I could whine about it my phone rang. I anxiously pulled it out of my pocket, Pieter!

“PIETER WHAT THE HELL?!?! WHERE IS SHE? WHO TOOK HER? I don't hear her with you.” I bellowed at him, Why the hell would he do that to me?!?!?

“Dude chill-ax, I was in class, and she's with her brothers.” HOW COULD I CHILL-AX?

“Why is she with her brothers, I am coming over there right NOW, don't let anything happen to her.” I said a little calmer.

“NO DON”T” he said a little too loudly.

Why not?” my wolf was in the edge of killing him, only reason he didn't snap at him was because he was a brother to us. Is he really keeping my mate from me.

“She isn't changed...yet. She's showing all the signs, but she is almost there.” he tried to calm me down.

“Tell me everything about her.” I demanded

“Okay, okay... UMM... she has 3 brothers, she is the Alpha's daughter. I don't know anything else really,we spend 1st period and that's it... Oh she's funny, and I suppose to other men she's pretty.” I growled at the last part, how dare they look at my mate in that way!

“Pieter, you need to find out more about her and once she changes do all you can to do to convince their Alpha to get her here, do you understand.” I said in my Alpha tone, this is a serious matter.

“Okay man, I will do every thing I can, bye.” he said as he hung up.

My wolf howled for his mate. The only thing worst than not having a your mate is knowing where she is, and not being able to get her.

Adina POV

I do not know why my parents pulled me out of school, I felt fine. It was boring here! Taylor and Trevor left after they knew I was okay.

WOW, was it hot in here? I opened all the windows, and it was still hot, I sighed in defeat and relaxed on the couch, but before I could truly relax my annoying phone rang.

“What?” I said a little annoyed

“Wow, some one is cranky.” Pieter's voice taunted on the other side of the line

“Oh shut up, by the way how did you get my number?” I snapped back, wow I am short tempered today.

“Ha ha, some one is really cranky today, I got this number from your friend, Lizzy.” I sighed, oh Lizzy what am I going to do with you.

“Stalker.” I chuckled “So...why are you calling, aren't you in class.” I randomly questioned

“Um... I was just worried about you, are you okay, feeling any different.”

“Um...okay that was random, but I am feeling really hot, but I'm fine. And why are you so worried about me, are you falling for me?” I laughed the last part.

“NO, I am not falling for you. I have my ma-- girlfriend at home.”

“Okay, anything else.”

“Yeah, how old are you?” okay, why is he so random today?

“I'm 16, soon to be 17 in a month, why?” why was he so interested in me all of a sudden, we met today, I would see him in school tomorrow, wouldn't I?

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