The Fight For Life

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Harry POV
          The Gawp, who happened to be Hagrid's half-brother, stormed out of the forest. Judging by his expression, he got lost.

"Hoggywarts!" he shouted and the earth shook a bit.

Chaos reigned and both sides of the wizards fought. Centaurs stampeded the grass. I dodged, whirled, ducked, rolled, sliced, and stabbed. Percy created a miniature hurricane around me and whenever a Death Eater tried to get back into Hogwarts, Percy sent a miniature earthquake. The ground shook and the sky rumbled. The Death Eater that were faithful to Voldemort stayed and fought. The others fled. Percy willed some water turned into balls. Percy threw them at Death Eaters, who froze instantly. Percy powered a nearby lake water and splashed gallons of water onto the dark side. He felt the familiar rhythm pounding in his veins.

He was back fighting the giants again. He looked at the ugly faces of the giants and let out a powerful battle cry. Many followed my lead and soon, there was only a fraction the Death Eaters left. Percy smirked. He saw Harry running to me.

"Percy!" he cried.
"Yeah?" Percy asked.
"Help me defeat him, please." he begged. Percy very much wanted to help to him, but after all this time being a demigod, one thing Percy learned was never ever try to help someone do something they're supposed to do.
"Sorry man. It's your fight now. I could help if you really can't defeat him though." Percy said sadly.
"Oh. Ok. Thanks Perce... for everything you've helped me with." With that, he walked away to face off with Voldemort.

        Percy returned to fight. Percy had already killed about one-hundred and fifty Death Eaters by now. Percy looked over at the front gate of Hogwarts and saw a everyone crowed around Harry and Voldemort.

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