Get To Plan! Or Work Is Fine

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Narrator POV

           And so the four of them went to sleep. In the middle of the night, a green snake slithered through the door. As it crawled in on its belly, it took Hermione Granger's bottomless bag with it. It knocked out a pot. It stopped to listen. When nothing moved, it crawled back out the door, to its master for the Fidelius Charm does not work on animals... besides humans. 

          The next morning soon came. Harry woke up to find Ron and Hermione's fingertips one centimetre away from each other. It made him feel surprisingly lonely and a bit jealous. He wished that Ginny was here.

"Good morning, guys!" Harry greeted them as they woke up.

"Morning Perce." Harry yawned.

" Hey guys, have you seen my spare bag? I looks exactly like the one I'm using right now." Hermione asked, alerted.

"Ummm... acualy? I haven't seen that bag all morning and I was up at six." Percy informed.

"What? Why were you up that early?" Ron exclaimed. "Don't you know that sleeping is one of the best things on earth?"

"I woke up. I've been through lots of things so I can't sleep that well. Back to the topic. I heard something comin in last night, but I thought it was Kreature cleaning up the pots because right after, it was all quiet again." 

"Do you think you-know-who could've gotten Nagini in? I mean, the charm really only works on animals. And monsters too." Hermione asked, worried. 

"Maybe. But even if they did get the bag, they got the wrong one and we should talk more about the quest for now." Percy exclaimed, wanting to know more about the quest.

"Sure. I can always enchant another bag." Hermione smiled.


"Thank you, Nagini." a deep voice rasped. The Dark Lord opened the bag and reached into it. To his surprise and disapointment, there was nothing in there.

"Go again tomorrow night. Bring me their bags." Voldemort demanded in a cold voice.

-Back at Grimmud Place-

"Yeah. So we all have to try not to die." Harry concluded.

"And if we do, I have three Resurection Pills." Percy assured the grim looking three.

"You do?" Ron asked, excited.

"Well, I only have two left." Percy explained, pulling two bead-like pills from his camp necklace. "But I suppose we won't die anyways."

"Yeah. How'd you get the the bloody pills anyways?"

"First, it's not bloody. Second, the Fates gave it to me. They said I can use it to resurrect any three person from any other parthenon that's not Greek or Roman."

"Cool!" Ron marvelled. Harry and Hermione thought it was an awsome tool for help.

"Let's not waste any more, since you've only got two more left." Hermione quickly said to hide her grin. 

"C'mon. Sice we've got it all figured out, let's get going. But first, I need to have some more of Kreacher's last night's soup." Harry sighed as his stomache growled.

"Hahaha... let's go."

      And so they left downstairs to have some more soup.

Harry Potter Crossover (Percy Jackson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz