The Good Memory

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Percy POV

I watched in confusion as Harry and Creature talked. When I asked who Bellatrix is again, Ron angrily said someone.

"It's ok, Ron. I can tell him." Harry sighed.

"Bellatrix is my godfather's cousin. She's a loyal death eater. Bellatrix killed my godfather, Sirius, when I was in Hogwart's fifth year. When I was fifteen." Harry told me.

"Sorry to bring that up, Harry." I said in my gentle voice. I know that pain of losing someone so dear. I wouldn't want pity, and I assumed Harry wouldn't want pity either. I just showed my understanding expression because, well, I do understand.

"I wanted to call you guys anyways. I know who RAB is.

Now, I'm not sure who that is, but I'm pretty sure it matters a lot because Ron and Hermione looks stunned. I, on the other hand, have absolutely no clue of who that is.

Judging by Harry's reaction, he forgot to tell me too.

Harry led the three of us upstairs to a room that's much more gloomier that's the rest of the house. I doubt even Nico would want to live in here.

On the door is a sign. It said 'Regulus Arcturus Black'. I looked at the three of them, and Ron and Hermione seems frozened.

After that fiasco, the four of us went into Regulus's room.

"Who's Regulus? And what's the locket? Should we call Creature here? Why-" I was cut off by Harry.

"Whoa there, Perce! I only have one mouth! First, Regulus is someone we want to know about. Second, this is the locket." He answered as he took out a green locket with snakes on it. "And third, I think we should talk first then call Creature."

"I've seen that locket before!" I exclaimed. It is true. I saw the exact same locket on the front page of a newspaper that I saw Harry was reading at the Dursley's house. There was a toad like woman on the page, wearing it like a necklace.

"Really? Where?" Harry asked excitely.

"On the front of a newspaper. A toad like woman was wearing it." I said helpfully.

"Is she wearing all pink too?" Hermione inquired.

"How'd you know?" I asked. I'm starting to think that the woman is a evil person. Even more evil than I-don't-know-who.

"She was our fifth year teacher at Hogwarts." Ron answered.

"Wow! She looks horrible, though." I laughed... until I saw their seirous faces.

"Don't tell me she's actually horrible." I groaned. Loking at their expressions again, she's probably horrible.

"What happened to her though? I really do hope that she's not teaching at your school." I wondered out loud.

"Nah. She got stampeed by a herd of centuars." Ron grinned.

The three of us grinned at eachother. Ron grinned in happiness, Harry and Hermione grinned in one-of-the-best-memory, and I grinned in appreciation.

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