Will He Help?

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Narrator POV
As the three of them talked, a force stirred and rose. A dark figure stood up and sent a message.

"Go to the house of Xenophilius and take his daughter, Luna, to Malloy Manor." the Dark Lord instructed.
"Yes sire."

Meanwhile back in the tent, the three of them argued where to go next and to make things harder, Hermione wasn't talking to Ron.

"Remember Luna's dad? Krum said he wore Grindalwald's sign." Harry reminded them. "We should see Luna's dad next."

So the four of them prepared for tomorrow's journey, getting a good night's sleep in the process. When the four of them woke up, got ready, and cleaned up everything. It's not like they're going to return here anyways.

"You guys ready?" Harry grinned.
"Yep. Can't wait." Percy jumped up and down.

            The other two only nodded, for no one could break the ice between those two.

"Ok. Hermione? You're apperating us this time. I refuse to land in a cemetery again." Percy smirked.
"It was only one time!" Harry complained.
"And I don't want to break my neck either." Percy continued. Harry huffed. Hermione smiled and took out her wand.
"Everyone ready?" Hermione asked.
"Yes!" Percy exclaimed.
"Three... two... one!" Hermione apperated them to the front door of Xenophilius.

This time, they landed in a field of flowers and no one fell from the sky. Yes, Hermione's aim is much better than Harry's. The four of them stroll up stiffly to the front door, trying not to get bitten by a few plants. Hermione walked up to the front door and knocked three times.

Knock knock knock

Xenophilius opened the top half of the door and peeked outside.

"Who goes there?" He asked in a squeaky voice.
"It's me, Harry Potter."
"Ah. And what does Harry Potter need from me?" Xenophilius asked again, closing the door very slowly.
"Please, Mr. Lovegood. We just want to know about the sign you wore on your neck at the wedding." Hermione quickly explained.
"Oh. Very well, then. C'mon in." Xenophilius said slowly, opening the door.
"Thank you, mister Lovegood." Percy smiled pleasantly.
"And you are?" Xenophilius inquired.
"Percy. Percy Jackson, sir." Percy said.
"He's my cousin. Mortal side. He's a wizard though." Harry lied. Well, half lied.
"Ok. I'll get us some tea and I will explain the sign." Xenophilius sighed.
"Thank you, sir." Ron grinned.

        They walked inside and sat on the couch, as Xenophilius had instructed. Percy tensed, sensing some was wrong straight away.

"Harry, something's not right." Percy said.
"Ok then. We'll leave as soon as we get the information. Harry assured.

        Percy nodded, begging to know the information as soon as possible. Little did they know, Xenophilius had two faces.

Harry Potter Crossover (Percy Jackson)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن