The Scream And The Snake

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Percy POV
I heard Harry scream.


I raced upstairs. What I saw shocked me. A snake was biting Harry and Harry was in a unmovable position. The locket on Harry's chest was tingling and Harry seems to be in pain. I mean, of course. I would be in pain too if a snake bit into me. Without hesitation, I sliced Riptide into the head of the snake. Unlike what I imagined, the snake turned into black dust, like the Minoture and the other monsters, but black.

"Harry!" I heard Hermione scream as we all saw a dark shapes appear in the room.

"Stupefy!" someone shouted. I almost snorted. What was it supposed to do? Make me stupid? I don't need help. I'm already a seaweed brain, thank you very much.

Nevertheless, I carried Harry, who is unconscious, down stairs. I glanced at Hermione, who seems to be busy at the moment.

"Do I kill?" I whisper-yelled at Hermione.
"Yes! These are death eaters! But we need to leave now!" Hermione screamed as about ten death eaters surrounded her.
"Stupefy!" a death eater yelled, aiming at me. I couldn't help it.

I snorted.

          A streak of green light swooshed past me, hitting Harry. Well, tried to hit Harry. I guess my cage did work. I made an ice cage to keep Harry safe while we fight. Taking the opportunity when the death eater was stunned, I started to attack.

"You want a duel? Well let me teach you how." I smirked.

I dodged, rolled, sliced, stabbed, and killed the death eaters, one by one. I must've been pretty scary because Hermione froze in horror. After I finished off the last the death eater, Hermione grabbed me and Harry, whom I had un-trapped. Together, she teleported us to another forest.

         Hermione used a charm to take off the locket since it was stuck. Harry kept on groaning and moaning things while he slept. Hermione went out to guard, not wanting to meet my eyes. I must've overdone it. Harry said a lot of things today. It went something like this:

"No... no! Mom? MOM! No! Please! Don't leave me behind! You! Why? Why me? I don't want to fight anymore." Harry started to crying, tears streaming down his face. "No... no no no! NO!" Harry woke up with a scream.
"Oh. It's you. Hi Perce." Harry muttered.
"Harry! You're awake!" I cried. "Hermione! Harry's awake!"

        Within a second, Hermione appeared beside us.

"Harry!" Hermione cried.
"You've got to tell me everything." Harry instructed.
"Yes ma'am." I saluted.
"And Percy, I'm NOT a female." Harry added.

       I gave him a smirk.

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