Percy And His Awful Understandings

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Harry POV
       I woke up to Percy whooping at something. Hermione is in kitchen, making breakfast. I look over to Ron's bunk, hoping that he's still there, staring up at the ceiling.

No such luck.

I turned on the old, almost broken phone that Dudley had left in an old drawer when my room was still his. I switched to the song 'Heading Home' by Alan Walker. I hummed along with the song to pass time. When the song got to the part 'Nobody sees me, now I'm a one man show', I quietly sobbed into my pillow. I sometimes feel like giving up on defeating Voldemort and just going back home.

"Harry? You alright?" Hermione asked timidly, poking her head through the door of my room.
"I'm fine. It's time for breakfast?" I replied, hopefully.

Hermione force a chuckle.

"Yes. Now, come on, Harry. We'll talk about Godric's Hollow with Percy while we eat." Hermione assured me. I wiped the tear stains from my cheeks and marched to the kitchen.

On the table, there is some garlic bread and milk and cereals. Percy probably gave the cereals. Don't ask me how, 'cause I don't know, but he never seems to run out of it.

     After Hermione went to call Percy back, I laid my head on the table and thought about what had happened. It was hard to process, and my mind keeps on shutting down at the part where Hermione came back, drenched from the rain, telling us how Ron apperated away.

"Harry, you feeling better?" Percy asked.
"Yeah. Thanks." I tried for a smile, turning off my- sorry- Dudley's phone. I mean, he didn't exactly give it to me.
"Good. So, what's Godric's Hollow and how will we find him?" Percy requested.
"Ummm... Percy? Godric's Hollow isn't exactly a person." Hermione squeaked, still shaken by his miniature earthquake.
"Yeah, but Godric is. So if we find him, we'll find this Hollow thingy." Percy said obviously.
"That would work," I nodded. "If only Godric's Hollow wasn't a place."

Percy's face turned as red as Ron's hair.

"I-I knew that!" Percy stuttered on purpose.
"Mhmm..." Hermione chuckled, amused.
"Let's get back on track. So we're going to find Bathilda." I announced.
"Wait- I thought we were going to Godric's Hollow. Not to Bathilda." Percy interrupted.
"No, Percy. Godric's Hollow is a place. Bathilda is a person living there." Hermione giggled.

      This time, I couldn't hide my laughter.

"Hey! It's not funny!" Percy crossed his arms as me Hermione and I cracked up.
"Anyways, we'll find the Sword of Gryffindor and use it to destroy the locket." I grinned. Percy knew just how to lift my mood.
"Easy! So we'll get everything we need. Hermione can put away the tent in her bag, I'll keep my senses out, detecting anything that might kill us, and Harry will teleport us there." Percy repeated the information.
"Let's do it tomorrow, at the sun rise." Hermione suggested.

Harry Potter Crossover (Percy Jackson)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя