The Return Of Ronald Weasley

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Percy POV
Hermione and I explained everything on what happened after Harry was unconscious and Harry requested to see my sword.

"Wow! It's like made of entirely silver!" Harry marvelled.
"It's celestial bronze. The sword's name is Riptide, terror of all monsters besides werewolves." I grinned. "Wanna spar? To touch up our skills a little?" I invited.
"You're on." Harry smirked.

        Harry shot colourful lights at me and I deflected some with Riptide and dodged some. I ducked, rolled, and in the end, I had Harry's throat at my sword's point.

"I win." I smirked.
"You got lucky." Harry groaned. "I'm gonna explore the woods a bit- hey Perce?"
"Is that a silver doe?" Harry pointed at a silver light behind a dark oak tree.
"I think so. Let's check it out. I'll go tell Hermione and you go ahead." I squinted.

I ran back to the tent while Harry explored a bit in the forest.

"Fine. Be careful though. You never know what might happen." Hermione warned.
"Well, I've poisoned, stabbed, set on fire and I'm still here." I smirked. While Hermione's mouth dropped, I raced to Harry, who I can't see anymore.

"Harry? Harry!" I shouted. I saw the doe again and decided to follow it. After all, I am a seaweed brain.

I found Harry trapped inside a frozen pond that probably froze over while he was in there. Without thinking, I unfroze a portion of the ice and jumped in. Much to my surprise, Harry held a sword in his hands. I pulled Harry up and came up to the face of Ron Weasley.

"Ron!" I exclaimed.
"Percy! What's you and Harry doing here? And why did you guys jump into the lake? If you wanted to take a bath, a frozen lake isn't the best place, mate." Ron replied.
"Whoa. Slow down there. Harry's got this sword here and I don't know what to do."
"Mate, that," he pointed to the sword. "Is the Sword of Gryffindor! Harry must've saw it and jumped in to retrieve it!" Ron worked up.
"So what's it supposed to do?" I questioned further.
"I'm not sure. Harry's awake. Let's ask him." Ron answered. I glanced at Harry and he, indeed, is waking up.
"Hey guys. Ron! You're back!" Harry laughed. Harry hugged Ron.
"Good to see you too, mate. Sorry for that night." Ron said sheepishly.
"Nah. S'ok. I've got the locket here. I think Ron should stab it. I'll speak to it, and Ron will stab it when it opens." Harry assured.
"No. You've seen how it affected me more than the rest of you guys." Ron crossed his arms.
"Hold on, Harry. I think you're delusional. Talking to a locket?" I laughed.
"No. That's how it opens." Harry said solemnly.

Harry made a weird hissing sound at the locket and the locket actually did open. What it did surprised me.

A image of Harry and Hermione came into view. They were all vapour, but could not control it for some reason. I really don't want to describe them, since I might disgust you. Let's just say they weren't exactly dress properly and, well, touching each other. I looked over to Ron and he seems frozen in time.

"Hurry! Ron! Stab it!" Harry shouted.
"Ron? Ron! Wake up! Snap out of it!" I screamed at him.
"Ron! Wake up! It's not real! I'm here!"

       With a final shout, Ron stabbed the locket so hard that I almost felt sorry for him. Almost. A scream followed by and Ron collapsed to the ground.

"Ron? You ok?" Harry spoke gently.
"Y-yeah. Just a moment to catch my breath." Ron wheezed.
"Alright mate. Whenever you're ready." Harry sat down beside him.

         When Ron finally pulled himself together, we walked and laughed on the way out of the forest. I informed Ron on what we did and how much progress we made.

"Do you think she'll be surprised?" Ron asked.
"Oh yeah. She definitely be surprised." Harry assured.

           We walked back to Hermione inside the tent, reading a book that someone named 'Bumblebee' or something gave her. I shushed Ron and me and Harry marched inside to bring Hermione out.

"Hermione! You won't believe who's here!" I sang. Hermione walked out, looking annoyed, coming face to face with a grinning Ron. Only Hermione didn't seems to be in a good mood when she saw him...

Uh oh. What had I done?

"Hey Hermione." Ron grinned sheepishly.

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