Old Friends

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Narrator POV
Percy, Neville, Harry, Ron and Hermione hopped out of the tunnel. A round of applause sounded the room. So loud that the shelves of the Room of Requirement was shaking. People shouted, "Harry!" "Ron!" and "Hermione!" Percy stood behind them awkwardly.

"Hey guys!" Harry grinned, happy to know that they're still alive.
"Of course!" a black haired girl grinned.

They celebrated for a few minutes then got quieted down.

"Hey guys. We're here on a very important mission. This is my cousin Percy. He's been helping me all these months." Harry introduced.
"Hi guys." Percy waved. There was a round of 'Hi Percy' and 'Hey'. Percy grinned, knowing they welcomed him.
"So anyways, we need to find this... diadem thingy." Harry explained. "Has anyone seen a diadem of some sort?"
"Well, there's the Ravenclaw Diadem." Luna piped up.
"Really! Can you show me where it is?" Harry got excited.
"I can show you." Cho Chang spoke hopefully.
"No. Luna will take her there." Ginny said.
"Sure. How about I take Harry with me and Ginny can take Percy and we'll go separate ways to Ravenclaw's house."
"Sounds good."

         Percy, Ginny, Harry, and Luna went out slowly after making sure no one was there. Harry and Luna was covered in the Invisibility Cloak and Percy turned Ginny who already knew he was a demigod so he didn't need to explain, into water vapour. They quickly went separate ways. Harry and Luna took the straight route to the house and Ginny and Percy took some twists and turns.

          They met each other again in front of the Ravenclaw's dorm' door. Luna walked up and knocked. A deep voice called out, "Which comes first; the Phoenix or the flame?"
"Hmmm... what do you guys think?" Luna muttered.
"Wait what? Isn't it a password?" Harry asked, startled.
"No. They changed it this year. I believe it's a circle with no beginning." Luna hummed.

         And the door swung open.

Harry Potter Crossover (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now