The Ministry Of Magic In The Bathroom

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Narrator POV
          The four walked into the public bathroom. Well, Hermione is in the girls bathroom. With the magic that shielded the bathroom from the eyes of muggles, they walked into it, knowing it's now or never.
"Bloody hell, Harry, Percy. I think we have to flush ourselves in!" Ron whispered, climbing on top of the stall's wall. They had no choice anyways. People were knocking outside and things will be getting nasty soon if they don't hurry up.
"Then we'll have to do it." Percy said, determined.

And so, Harry, who was under the cloak that was attached to him for now (thanks to Percy using the molecules pressing onto Harry), Percy and Ron flushed themselves down the toilet.

         They soon found themselves in a gigantic hall, crowed with people. Got to admit, to Percy, Olympus is extraordinary so this grand hall wasn't exactly as grand as Harry, Ron, and Hermione had seen it. Still, it was a sight to see.
"Wow!" Ron breathed, trying not to get caught that he wasn't actually Cattermole.
"Hurry, guys. Oop. Here comes Thickenese." Harry muttered.
"Cattermole! My office is still raining! If you don't fix it in a hour, your wife's blood status will be no more than a mudblood." Thickenese warned, with a cold look on his face.
"Y-yes sir. I'll fix your office right away." Percy imitated Cattermole... or tried to. Luckily, Thickenese didn't suspect anything and walked away.
"Whew. I guess I'm going to his office then?" Percy asked quietly."
"Yeah. Here's a stick. I picked up just before we came in. Thought you might need it." Ron breathed, handing Percy a wand-like stick.

         Percy followed Thickenese into Thickenese's office.
"Here." he growled. "Hurry up, Cattermole. If you don't finish it in one hour, then..." He left the sentence hanging, but they both knew what would happen.
"Yes s-sir." Percy trembled on purpose.
        It was an easy task. Percy waved his stick in the air and evaporated all the water. He said a spell out loud and nothing happened. Well, nothing was supposed to happen.
"Sir? I am finished." Percy informed.

No reply.

       Thickenese had thought that Cattermole wouldn't finish that task and had gone off to watch and execute his wife. I mean, Cattermole didn't and couldn't do it. Percy had only helped.

        Meanwhile, after Percy had left with Thickenese, the Golden Trio left and went upstairs, where Umbridge's office is. They met with Umbridge in the elevator, wearing the horcrux.
"Good day, Malfalda. I am sure you are aware of coming with me to watch the execution of that mudblood, Mrs. Cattermole?" Umbridge smiled sickly.
"Of course, Umbridge. I was just about to find you to go together." Hermione lied.
"Of course. It's our stop now. I hope that you will have a good day, Runcorn. Stay away from those blood traitors!" Umbridge added.
Hermione and Umbridge left to go watch the execution.
"Harry, mate, it's our stop now. Umbridge's office is this floor. My dad told me." Ron whispered quietly.
"Of course. I'm going to find if she has anything; like Moody's eye or we can just check your father's status." Harry whispered.

        They left the elevator and walked straight to Umbridge's office. To their surprise and horror, Moody's magical eye is placed on the door.
"Get it off!" Harry urged. Ron snatched the eye away from the door.
"I'm going inside. If anyone comes in, just knock on the door and pretend to ask for Umbridge." Harry instructed.

      And so, Harry opened a crack of the door and slipped inside. The inside wasn't any better than the outside. In fact, it was much worse. It is the exact same decoration as the office that Umbridge had in Hogwart.
      Harry opened a drawer. Inside are some folders. The first one is Mr. Weasley's.

Name: Arthur Weasley
Blood Status: Pure Blood but have been interfering with mudbloods
No. 1 Execute
Must be punished

     Staring at this, Harry's blood boiled with anger.

Knock knock

     Some is here. Harry quickly, once again, put on his invisibility cloak.
"Runcorn! What are you doing here? You know that Umbridge is currently interrogating Mrs. Cattermole?" the mistakable voice of Mr. Weasley sounded.
"Of course, of course." Ron answered, not really paying attention to what he's saying. Harry slipped out outside and started to check Mr. Weasley for any injuries. Apart from being a bit thinner, Mr. Weasley looks fine.
"Are you not also going to interrogate her?" Arthur asked in a cold voice. Harry sneakily placed Mr. Weasley's folder into Mr. Weasley's bag.
"Of course. I'll be going." Ron said with an unmistakable look of longing at Mr. Weasley, who failed to notice as he walked away.

The two of them arrived just in time for Mrs. Cattermole to be crying and laying on the ground.
"Please! I am a witch. That is my wand!" Mrs. Cattermole cried. Harry immediately felt pity and sympathy towards her and even more hatred towards Umbridge.
"No, dear. They only give wands out to wizard's and witches. Now, which wizard, or witch, did you steal it from, and at what age?" Umbridge said with fake sweetness in her voice.
"I told you already! Mr. Olivander gave it to me! I bought it from him when I was eleven!" Mrs. Cattermole sobbed.
"Yeah. You shouldn't take what's yours." Harry said.
"Who said that?!" Umbridge said sharply, no doubt fearing for her life. Hermione took her hesitation as an advantage and snatched the locket from her neck.
"What the- Malfada? What are you doing?!" Umbridge shrieked.
"Hi Professor Umbridge." Harry snarled as he took off his cloak.
"Potter! Guards, get him!" Umbridge shouted.

No one came.

Back to Percy
          Percy turned himself to vapour and trailed Thickenese. Just before he was about to get into the room, Percy solidified again and smacked him in the back of the neck.
"Help! Guards! Mr. Thickenese has just fainted! Get him to a hospital!" Percy shouted.

        And that's how Thicknese had left the chat. Well, left the conscious world for a while. Percy, once again, turned into water vapour because the potion didn't work on him as long as it works on Harry. Percy is back in his skin. His shirt is, surprisingly, not that tight. After he zoned out on the conversation (he felt bad for Mrs. Cattermole) he saw Ron coming in.

      There was more questioning until he heard Harry speak to Umbridge with so much venom in his voice that he thought Umbridge was going to be poisoned.
"Finally, Harry! I've been waiting for forever!" Percy exclaimed as he solidify. Already knowing that Umbridge would call for guards, Percy also knocked them unconscious and dragged their bodies into a mysterious room and went back.
"Let's get the show on the road." Ron grinned mischievously, probably learning it from George and Fred.

      They hexed everyone, besides Mrs. Cattermole, and Hermione shot a spell at rope that tied Mrs. Cattermole.
"Hurry!" Percy screamed as the five of them escaped.

       They finally made it out.
"Thank you guys!" Mrs. Cattermole breathed.
"No problem. Go as far away as possible with your husband and kids. Oh! And here's your wand, ma'am." Harry instructed.
"Hey! That's my wife!" Mr. Cattermole shouted. He finally had waken and went to the ministry in the clothes that Hermione made.
"Reginal! Let's leave, and hurry!" Mrs. Cattermole cried as she threw herself in his arms. They ran towards the fireplace and disappeared.
"That's Harry Potter!" someone nosy screamed. Instantly, ten death eaters came sprinting towards them. Of course Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Percy ran to the fireplace. Just as Thickenese, who woke up just a few minutes ago, was about to grab Hermione's foot, Percy turned all of them into water vapour.
"Can't -wheeze- hold long -wheeze-" Percy panted. The use of powers had strained him badly.
"We're nearly there!" Harry shouted.

        Without thinking, the four of them jumped into a fireplace. Hermione can feel someone yanking her feet. She apperated into Grimmud Place and felt Yaxley loosening his grip on her feet. She then, shook him off and apperated out again.

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