I Heal With Magic

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Percy POV
             After Moody carried me back, I heard a woman's voice, telling him to place me down on a couch. It hurted when he laid me down but I didn't make or say any noise. I felt a pair of woman's hand, pouring alcohol on my wound to clean it. It stings a lot. Almost as much as when I got cursed with gorgon blood.

Now, that hurts. A lot.

              After she poured alcohol on my wound, I felt her doing some magic. I didn't want to fall asleep, though, because I didn't want to have any dreams, but the magic was just too soothing.

I dreamed that I was falling into Tartarus again. Only this time, I am alone. I was just going to hit the river when my dream changed.
This time, I am inside a dark room. There is a lot of death eaters. They gathered around a big table. At the head of the table sat a noseless wizard. He has a serpent trapped in a sphere- like cage. "Harry Potter," he looks at me,"I'm coming for you. No matter what protection you have, I'll always find you." I don't know if he could see me or not, but I stayed silent.

My dream changed again. This time, I saw a ruined house. There is a sign in front of the house saying:

'On this spot, on the night of 31 October 1981, Lily and James Potter lost their lives. Their son, Harry, remains the only wizard ever to have survived the Killing Curse. This house, invisible to Muggles, has been left in its ruined state as a monument to the Potters and as a reminder of the violence that tore apart their family'.

For some reason, it was written in Greek so I could understand it. I guess it's not invisible to demigods.
I heard the hissing sound of a snake. I turned around and saw a snake, dressed in a cloak, hissing at me. I tried to kill the serpent but when I got near it, I woke up.
~End of Dream~
I woke up to Harry sitting beside me, looking like he regretted his decision of letting me help him.
I groaned.
"How are you feeling, dear?" a red haired woman asked. I guess she's the one that wrapped my wound. But I was still bleeding badly. If I don't get water, then I would bleed out.
"I feel ok." I lied. I didn't anyone else to worry about me.
"Good. Harry here, poured water on you." Mrs. Weasley said as she sent him a glare.
I sent Harry a grateful smile but he didn't notice.
"Oh good. Can you pour some more water on me? Preferably a whole bucket. Water heals me." I requested.
Mrs. Weasley just looked worried. "Dear, I think you might've bonked your head." "Harry! Did you not tell her anything?" "Well, I tried but the others came back so..." Harry excused.

I groaned again.

I used my powers to will some water to flow towards me and shaped it into Annabeth. I decided that I miss Blackjack so I shaped it into him.
"H- how?" Mrs. Weasley looks like she's seen a ghost.
"It's possible for me because I'm the son of Poseidon. Harry's not lying." Harry and I grinned at each other.
         "Oh, and I didn't catch any of your names. I just called the girl," I pointed at walking encyclopedia, "Walking encyclopedia. Him," I pointed to the smallest red head, "Smallest red head, and I don't know the rest of you." Hermione looks shocked while Ron gave me a weird look.
"Oh. My name is Molly Weasley but you can call me Mrs. Weasley."
"I'm Ron." the red head volunteered.
"I'm Hermione. Nice to meet you." she introduced and held out a hand. I moved and winced as I shook her hand. "Sorry. I forgot." Hermione looked at me sheepishly.
"S'ok. I had worser injuries before." I said automatically, thinking about the curses I had. Harry, Ron, and Hermione looks shocked and Mrs. Weasley looks horrified.

"George! You're awake!" a voice shouted excitedly.

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