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Blessings (After Giant War)
Zeus- Allowed in the sky
Hera- Nothing
Poseidon- Power over water temperature and vapour travel
Demeter- Cereals enough for a lifetime
Apollo- Faster recovery from injuries
Artemis- Can aim weapons better
Hermes- Can run faster
Hephaestus- Allowed Riptide to harm mortals
Athena: Approves of him
Ares- Better battle reflex
Dionysus- Got Percy's name right
Aphrodite: Tried to shoot pink fumes at Percy to make him look better (missed and hit Hades)
Hestia- Can cook well
Hades- No more grudges between them

Zeus: Immortality (Annabeth turned it down)
Hera: Doesn't hate her anymore
Poseidon: Approves of her
Demeter: Cereals enough for a lifetime
Apollo: Faster recovery from injuries
Artemis: Can aim with accuracy
Hermes: Can run faster
Hephaestus- Allowed her dagger to harm mortals
Athena: Allows her in her palace
Ares: Better battle reflex
Dionysus: Gets her name right
Aphrodite: Tried to shoot makeup and a dress at her (misses and hits Hades again)
Hestia: Always feels at home
Hades: No more grudges

Zeus- Can air travel
Hera- Proud of
Poseidon- Allowed in the sea
Demeter- Cereals...
Apollo- Faster recovery from injuries
Artemis- Can aim weapons
Hermes- Can run faster
Hephaestus- Allowed his sword to harm mortals
Athena- Made him smarter
Ares- Better battle reflex
Dionysus- Got his name right
Aphrodite- Gave up (More like Hades forced her)
Hestia- Better at cooking
Hades- No more grudges

Zeus- Approves of her
Hera- Doesn't hate her
Poseidon- A horse
Demeter- Cereals...
Apollo- Faster recovery from injuries
Artemis- Can aim weapons
Hermes- Can run faster
Hephaestus- Allowed her dagger to harm mortals
Athena- Made her smarter
Ares- Better battle reflex
Dionysus- Calls her 'pepper' instead of 'pipe cleaner'
Aphrodite- Improves her charmspeak
Hestia- Always feel at home
Hades- no more grudges

Zeus- Can turn into any sky animal
Hera- No more curse
Poseidon- Can turn into any sea animal (Poseidon turned Frank into a mermaid for demo)
Demeter- Cereals...
Apollo- Faster recovery from injuries
Artemis- Can aim weapons
Hermes- Can run faster
Hephaestus- Allowed his arrows to harm mortals
Athena- Made him smarter
Ares- Better battle reflex
Dionysus- Said his name right
Aphrodite- Tried and failed (Missed and hit Hades)
Hestia- Can cook better
Hades- No more grudges.

Zeus- Allowed in the air
Hera- Nothing
Poseidon- Allowed in the sea
Demeter- Cereals...
Apollo- Faster recovery from injuries
Artemis- Can aim weapons
Hermes- Can run faster
Hephaestus- Allowed her sword to harm mortals
Athena- Made her smarter
Ares- Better battle reflex
Dionysus- Called her 'Almond' instead of 'Nut'
Aphrodite- Nothing (Hades had all her makeup)
Hestia- Always feel at home
Hades- Removed her curse

Zeus- Can float a bit in the air
Hera- Gave him the truth about her mom's death
Poseidon- Cyclops forgery skill
Demeter- Cereals...
Apollo- Faster recovery from injuries
Artemis- Can aim weapons
Hermes- Can run faster
Hephaestus- Allowed his weapons harm mortals
Athena- Made him smarter
Ares- Better battle reflex
Dionysus- Called him 'Leonardo' instead of 'Flame Person'
Aphrodite- Hit Hades again (Her makeups were destroyed)
Hestia- Can cook
Hades- No more grudges

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