The Mischief

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Narrator POV
           As The four left, Ginny came upstairs.
"Hey Percy." she started.
"Hey. What's your name?" Percy asked.
"Ginny. Ginny Weasley. Nice to meet you." Ginny smiled.
"Nice to meet you too. How many siblings do you have?" Percy wondered. So far, he's met five of the Weasley siblings.
"Seven. There's Me, the smallest, then Ron, then Fred, George, another Percy, but he betrayed us, Charlie, then the oldest, Bill.
"Woah! That's a lot of siblings!" Percy exclaimed.
"Yeah. Ron's the most annoying, but I hate Percy the most- no offense."
"None taken."
         They ate their dinner in silence.
"What did you tell Harry? I know that they went to this room and talked to you."
"Oh. They just asked what my favourite colour is." Percy half lied.
Percy just finished the mashed potatoes. It was only a bit, but he felt full.
"Do you know where I can put this?"
"You're done already?"
"I'll call my mom."
"No no no. It's ok. I'll just put it on the table." Percy quickly insisted.
Ginny raised an eyebrow.
"You're scared of my mom." she guessed.
"Fine. I'm not scared of her. I just feel awkward in the attention."
"Understandable. She does fusses over a small bruise. A lot, thinking that Ron used to play Quidditch."
"If she was my mom, then she can't stand a day with me." Percy grinned, thinking back to when Gabe used to abuse him, then to all the quests, then to the spars, then to the wars. They earned him loads of scars.
"Because I'm a troubled kid who gets into fights a lot." Percy half lied again.
"What's Quidditch anyways?" Percy asked.
"It's a wizard sport. There are seven players. Two beaters, three chasers, one keeper, and one seeker. The beaters uses a bat and hits a ball called a 'Bludger' towards the opposite team. The chasers tries to get a ball called 'Quaffle' through a hoop. There are three hoops and two Bludgers. The keepers tries to keep the Quaffle out of the hoop. One goal is 10 points. And lastly, the seeker tries to catch a small, golden ball called a 'Snitch'. If you catch it, you earn 150 points for your team. Once the seeker catches the Snitch though, the game ends." Ginny explained.
'Ooook. Wasn't expecting a lecture but 'k." Percy said, overwhelmed by the new information.
"You sound like my brother, Ron." Ginny smiled.

After that dinner, the next week went by the same.

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