The Offer

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Harry POV
            The three of us, Ron, Hermione, and I walk towards the room that Percy stayed in. We wanted to asked him what background did Voldemort sit in front of.
Anyways, we knocked, but no one answered so we opened the door. Inside, we saw Percy, half naked, changing. What we saw also horrified us.
           On Percy's body was all sorts of scars. Stab wounds, whips, swords and other things I can't recognize. We gaped.
Mrs. Weasley walked in. She too, looks horrified.
"Wha- how?"
"Ummm... do you mind to go out for a sec?" he blushed.
The four of us head back out of the room.
"Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope..." Ron muttered as he walk downstairs like a robot.
          When we got downstairs, the three of us plus Mrs. Weasley stopped talking. Remus and Arthur came to us us.
"You guys ok? I swear if I didn't know any better, I'd think you saw Arthur in his neon gre- hey!" Remus was cut of as Mr. Weasley steps on his foot.
"Nope nope nope nope nope..." Ron started to say again.
"What?" Remus and Arthur asked together.
"We- erm- saw Percy- erm... half- naked..." I stuttered, trying to get the image out of my mind.
"YOU WHAT? Where is he? I am going to have a talk with him about locking the door." Mr. Weasley promised.
"No! I mean, you can tell him after he changes and we talk to him." Hermione said quickly.

Everyone thought that Percy is finished changing now, so we went back to his room. We heard the shower running. Me? I wasn't too concerned. After all, Percy heals with water! But Mrs. Weasley busted down the door... to find Percy in the shower, with his bandages off, and his wound pouring out blood. He looks as if he going to pass out.
He sees us and smiles.
"Percy! WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?!" Mrs. Weasley shrieked. Percy smiled sheepishly while Ron, Hermione and I grimaced.
"Well, remember water heals me?"
"I think I accidentally hurt my wound again so I decided to step into the shower."
The look on Mrs. Weasley's is priceless. I couldn't help but snicker.
"What are you guys doing here anyways?" Percy asked.
I almost forgot about our question.
"Well, Harry, Ron and I wanted to ask you what's your favourite colour." Hermione replied.
"Blue. I love blue." Percy answers. "How 'bout you, Mrs. Weasley?"
"Oh! I was just wondering when's your birthday."
Seriously? I held my breath.
"August 10th."
I let out a breath of relief. Mrs. Weasley looks relieved and walks out, leaving the four of us behind.
"Thanks Percy." Ron breathed.
"No problem."
But how did you know what to say?" I wondered out loud.
"You guys weren't exactly quiet." We grinned at each other.

Percy made a move to go back to bed. He stumbled and his knees gave out. If it weren't for Ron and I, his head would've hit the sink.
Slowly and carefully, we helped Percy get back to bed. Ron lifted Percy's shirt to bandage him. Hermione, who didn't have the time to get out of the room, saw his body.

She looks a bit green.

"Owwww!" Percy whined.
"How did you get these scars?" Hermione demanded.
"Demigods don't usually live over sixteen, Hermione." Percy explained.
What? They don't live over sixteen? I suddenly felt a wave of sympathy wash over me for Percy.
"Well, I'm an exception."
And so Percy told us about their demigod scent and all his adventures and quests.
"And that's why I want to offer to go with you on your quest. I know where and how to start."
I didn't want to agree.
"Harry, if I don't come with you, then I would break the Unbreakable Vow because I didn't stay and help you at all cost. Then I'd die." Percy warns.
Reluctantly, I agreed to let him come with us.
"Of you guys don't mind, I'm sorta bleeding out."
He indeed is. Ron and I bandaged Percy up and Hermione, who came in after her was bandaged, did some water spell to keep the bandage moist. Percy looks better.
"Thanks guys!"
"No problem! See you when I send your dinner up!" I called as we left and raced downstairs.

I am kind of glad Percy is coming. He has lots of experience and can probably teach me some.
Darn. I forgot to ask him the main question... ah well, he needs to rest and I'll ask him later.

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