The Demigod's Weird.

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Harry POV
We heard a crash. Everyone besides Percy and George ran outside to the yard. Fred and Arthur are back. Remus tackled Arthur and asked, "What is the last thing Dumbledore said to us?" Mr. Weasley answered, "Harry is the best hope; trust him." I suddenly didn't know whether to feel proud or angry. Dumbledore left me alone. Dumbledore gave this quest. And Dumbledore didn't tell me where to start!
             Anyways, we headed back into the house. Both Percy and George were unconscious. There was a pool of blood on Percy's blanket. No! Mr. Weasley ran towards Fred and tries to shake him awake. I race to the bathroom and got a bucket of water.
I guess Fred knew what he was doing because he started to shake George screaming, "Nooooo! George! Don't you die on me! George! Nooo" Fred stopped in mid-sentence. George opened his eyes and starts to laugh hysterically. I shouted to
Percy, "Perce? PERCY!
"Geez guys. Me and George were just trying to sleep." Percy looks like he's trying his hardest not to laugh and is failing miserably.
"Who came back?" Percy asked.
"This time, it's Fred and Arthur." Hermione replied honestly.
I walked to a couch and dozed off.

The next day was the same. Percy laid on the couch, still forbidden to walk. George can now walk, though. Using magic and a stretcher, Hermione, Ron, and I carried Percy upstairs to a bedroom. He is surprisingly light.
"Hey Harry," Percy called.
"I had this weird dream yesterday when I passed out. I saw a turned house. In front of the house has a sign saying things about how you survived the Killing Curse."
I was shocked. How does he have a dream like that? I guess demigods have different dreams.
"Wait here. I'll go get Ron and Hermione." I instructed as I went downstairs.

Harry Potter Crossover (Percy Jackson)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon