The Return Of The Couple

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Harry POV
        Ron, Hermione and I were just talking in Ron's room about where to start the quest when-

Bill and Fleur had came back.

"WHAT TOOK YOU GUYS SO LONG? DONT YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE WERE?! TWO DAYS, BILL! TWO DAYS!" Mrs. Weasley shrieked. We all grimaced at the loud voice.
"Sorry mum. There were a whole group of death eaters chasing us. When we finally got to the house, the port key was gone. Me and Fleur had to wait until all the death eaters were gone. Then, we can come back." Bill explained.
"At least you're safe now." Mrs. Weasley cried.
"Hey Bill!" George exclaimed.
"George! What in the world happened to your ear?" Fleur said, in her French accent.
"Oh. It got cursed off. You should see Percy though. He got shot in the stomach." George informs, looking grim.

Bill and Fleur went upstairs to see Percy.

"Now that everyone's back, I suggest we have a feast today!" Mrs. Weasley suggested.
"That would be nice." Remus smiled.

We spent the rest of the day peeling, washing, cleaning, cooking, and roasting food. After all that was done, Ron, Hermione, and I went back to Ron's room. I can hear Mrs. Weasley following us, eavesdropping.

And so, we out smarted her.

I took a piece of paper and wrote 'Mrs. Weasley is out there, listening to us right now'. The others seems to get what I mean.
"Mate, I think we should give Percy blue balloons." Ron suggested, writing down 'We should find the locket first. Kreacher might know'.
"Yeah! I'll bake a blue cake. I wonder what he likes the most." Hermione wondered out loud while she wrote 'Yes. I think we do should start with the locket'.
"Of course! I suggest we give Percy a water bottle." I said loudly. I wrote 'I think we should ask what Percy where to start. After all, he do have lots of experience'.
"Sure! Let's get started to work. Remember to add lots of blue pegasus on the water bottle." Hermione concluded as she wrote down 'Ok then. We'll talk about quest later'.

Ron and I nodded.

We heard Mrs. Weasley's footsteps go away. She must be thinking that we are actually talking about Percy's birthday. I feel bad for lying to her, but we need to get this done. Glancing at the others, I realized that they probably felt the same way.

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