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Percy POV
           I heard loud noises coming from the outside. I raced outside and saw thousands and thousands of students being taken into a safe house (probably Aberforth's hut). I walked by the balcony and saw Hogwarts well protected under a layer of spell. I started to jog a bit. Some students pointed at me and whispered. I ignored that and searched for Harry. A loud horn sound sounded the castle and frightened students covered their ears and hurried faster. Dark shapes formed, one by one, on a hill, just in front of the castle.

The war had begun.

        I searched desperately for Harry. I saw professors, wizards, and witches casting spells into the dark sky, creating the protection layer stronger.

I thought by now, Harry might've already been back in the room so I raced back.

          I opened the door to the Room of Requirements and saw several familiar redheads. Ron's family had come to aid. Among them, I also saw Lupin, and an unfamiliar redhead. Harry was also there, but Ron and Hermione was no where to be found.

"Percy!" Mrs. Weasley cried, pulling me into a tight hug. The unfamiliar redhead coughed awkwardly.
"Percy, meet Percy." Harry turned to him, "And Percy, meet Percy."
"Nice to meet you, Percy." I smiled, holding out a hand.
"Nice to meet you too... Percy." he said, awkwardness clearly written across his face.

Lupin tried (failing miserably) to lighten up the mood.

"Here's a picture of me and Tonks's baby!" he announced, pulling out a photo.

However, none of the redheads' attention was on him.

"I WAS A FOOL!" Percy roared. Wow! I guess that might be what 'Percys' have in common. Lupin was so surprised that he dropped his photo.
"Whoa! Slow down there, Percy. You're gonna ruin the Percy population!" I exclaimed.
"I'm sorry." Percy whispered at last.

        No one made a noice for a moment. Deafening silence sounded the room. Then-

"Welcome back to the family, Perce." Fred grinned. George followed and soon after, the Weasleys were in a group hug.
"Ahem. I don't want to break this reunion, but I think the war's already started, like, ten minutes ago." I said.
"Right. And we'll be right there." On by one, the group filed outside to fight.

I looked over at Harry. I think he has no clue of his fate. Just thinking about his fate makes me sad.

"Harry? Why don't we go looking for the diadem?" I asked nervously.
"How 'bout I go looking for it and you can look for Ron and Hermione?" Harry suggested innocently.
"Ok." I obeyed. I wanted to follow Harry's orders one last time before he... yeah.
"Ok. Let's meet up together after a hour." Harry smiled. "You okay, Percy? You seem nervous." Harry said concerned. Well yeah. That's probably because my cousin's about to die. I thought. Still, I replied, "Nothing. It's probably the trick of light."

       Harry shrugged it off. I half wanted to tell him his fate, to tell him to flee. But nonetheless, I couldn't. I swore on the River Styx that I would shut my mouth.

"Ok. See you then, Percy!" Harry grinned as he put on his cloak and went out.

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