One More Time...

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One Week Later...

Hidan was shifting on his feet with a scowl on his face as he tugged at the collar of his black dress shirt.  His entire suit was black, right down to his shoes.  He glanced over at Jiraiya who was dressed in an almost his complete opposite, a full suit of white.  He scowled at the other man, clearly irritated.

"Explain to me why I'm doing this again," Hidan finally said.  "Klaudia and I are already married.  You, I understand. You haven't married Anabel yet but me... and a double affair..."

Jiraiya laughed at his annoyance and clapped him on the shoulder, "Because a woman wants a fancy affair, Hidan, not a quickly said set of vows while she's pushing out your kid.  Besides, with everything that happened that night it probably is bad luck on your marriage if it wasn't done a second time."

"She better understand how much I love her after this," Hidan muttered disgruntledly.

"I have no doubt she does," Jiraiya responded.  "She loves you equally."

Sarah turned away from the window with a slight giggle as she looked over at Klaudia.  "Hidan looks like he's being hogtied standing out there waiting with Jiraiya."

Klaudia smiled at her with laughter in her dark eyes.  She was stunning in her black wedding dress.  She was going with a whole Gothic theme for her side of the wedding.  Anabel on the other hand was dressed in white from head to toe.  Like the two women, the decorations downstairs were on one side of the area all black and on the other side all white.  Dark opal like jewels and glitter were cast around while white crystals and golden glitter was on the opposite.  It was a rather striking affair and unlike anything that had been seen in the Leaf.

It was bound to be quite large as well.  A good number of people who knew and loved Jiraiya were going to be in attendance, which was a fairly large number.  Then there were the ones that had come to befriend the women.  Not to mention all the residents of the Fushichō District would be in attendance.

Neo was alternating between the two women's hair as she threaded them with stones that matched their respective themes.  She was doing such a beautiful job.  Melissa was fussing with Anabel's long white veil that would follow behind her when she walked.  Both women looked like princesses over different realms.

Max was having a long discussion with Kiva, who was going to play the flower girl for the two women again.  Kiva's dress was primarily white, but it had black petals trimming the hem and in her hair was a black head piece of black flowers with white pearls mixed in it.

  Kiva's dress was primarily white, but it had black petals trimming the hem and in her hair was a black head piece of black flowers with white pearls mixed in it

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Kiva scowled up at Max, "No!  I do what I want!"

"Now you listen to me, Kiva," Max spoke with the authority of an Auntie, "you will not pants Hiroto again.  He is your cousin, and you will respect him as such!"

Kiva's face was getting red, but she knew when she had been beaten.  The look Max was giving her was intimidating to say the least.  Max was going to be a great Auntie to all the babies as they grew up.  Kiva stamped her foot then went to pout in the corner.

A light rap on the door caught Max's attention and she went over to it.  She nodded her head to the person outside before looking at the group.  "They're ready for us."

Klaudia and Anabel clasped hands with one another as Neo finished the last touches before following the group out the door.  Anabel gave Klaudia a big smile.  "I can't believe I'm getting married, Klaudia.... and to Jiraiya!  If you had told me this would happen before we came here... I'd have thought you were nuts!  Even with your gift!"

Klaudia laughed, "I don't doubt that at all."

"I'm glad that we're doing this together," Anabel then said.  "I'd be nervous as hell if it was just me going down that aisle but this way, we're walking each other!"

Kakashi was immediately by Sarah's side the minute she came out of the building.  He had been true to his word, he barely let her get a few feet away from him.  She laughed softly at the action and took Tiberius from him as he wrapped an arm around her waist.  Melissa and Iruka were off to their right, Sebastian was fast asleep in Iruka's arms.  Max and Neo were standing up at the front.  Max was wearing an all-white pantsuit, standing up for Anabel.  Neo was dressed in a black pantsuit as she was standing in for Klaudia.  The two men being married were opposite of them, with Neji and Itachi standing in behind them as best men.  Itachi was Hidan's, Neji Jiraiya's.  Jiraiya had asked Neji because like him, he had been resurrected from the dead and it seemed the most appropriate.

The street where the wedding was taking place seemed to be bursting at the seams as the music cued up for the two women.  Klaudia and Anabel appeared at the end of the rows of seat, arm in arm with one another as they walked towards the front.  A collective gasp went through the crowd as they watched them slowly come to the front.

Hidan finally stopped his shifting as he looked at his wife, who he was marrying a second time.  Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to get married twice.  She looked gorgeous in the black gown, and he had an instant desire to drag her off to recreate the first time they were together.  He might just do that tonight as Max was going to watch Luna for them so they could have a proper Honeymoon night.  He shifted his eyes over to his daughter, who was snuggled up with Hinata at the moment.  Who would have thought the Hokage's wife would be tending to his child?

Keleana and Gaara were both overrun with babies at the moment.  They were watching their three alongside the Uchiha twins.  Gaara was using his sand to hold two of his babies, while he physically held the third.  Kaleana was holding both Uchiha twins.  She looked like she wanted to grab Kiva who was dancing all over as she dramatically threw black and white flower petals all over the place.  Kiva gave her mother a cheeky grin as she tossed some petals into her face before dancing away from her, knowing she couldn't do anything to her immediately since her arms were full.

Jiraiya was just as mesmerized as Hidan had been when as he looked at Klaudia as Anabel came closer.  She was the most beautiful he had ever seen her, and he was certain that she was an angel as she approached him.  Any nervousness he had about giving up his bachelorhood disappeared in an instant as she stopped in front of him.

Sarah and Melissa were both bawling by the time the monk went through the vows between the two couples.  Neo and Max were not any better as they stood up there.   As the monk finished the vows a cheer went up as both men dramatically kissed their brides.

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