My One Weakness

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Kakashi loved the Hot Springs.  It had been such a huge bonus to have one built right into his house.  He was able to daily sink himself into it, allowing the healing waters to swirl around him. His body rejoiced each and every time.  He would never admit it, but his body would ache sometimes from all the hell he had put it through.  It was for that reason that he loved the Hot Springs so much.  It took away those aches for a time and now that he was soaking regularly, his body was getting to where it didn't hurt quite as much.  He had to wonder if as he got older, how much worse it would be or if the Hot Spring would keep it at bay.  He leaned his head back, looking at the rocky ceiling above him.  His life had been a never-ending stream of fighting and bloodshed, until he had met Sarah.  He had formally spoken to Naruto about retiring permanently from all missions, regardless the situation, when he knew for sure Sarah was pregnant.  He hadn't told her that, but he would not leave her to raise their child alone.  A child needed both their mother and father.  His own lack of both had hindered him in many ways, one being that he had not known how to react appropriately to the emotions he had felt when he had met Sarah.

In the distance, he could hear music playing and the smell of food being prepared wafted to him.  It smelled almost like she was making pizza for dinner.  He smiled slightly.  It was one of the dishes from her world that he really liked... that and bacon cheeseburgers with fries.  Some of the dishes she had introduced him to was too sweet for his liking.  He never did like sweet things but most of the dishes she had him try weren't sweet and he had come to like them.  He had also showed her how to make some of his favorites.  He laughed softly as he remembered the very first time she had prepared fish, following the instructions he had given her.  Sarah hated fish about as much as he hated sweet things.  She had been wrinkling her nose and almost gagging the whole time she was preparing it.  It warmed his heart, though, because even though she hated it, she still prepared it every other week... all because he loved it.

Of course, right now the only thing she did make was non-meat things.  Sarah had an almost violent revulsion in her pregnancy to any kind of meat.  If she so much as even saw it, she would be running for the bathroom hurling her stomach.  The pizza tonight was most likely going to be a cheese pizza, maybe some veggies thrown on top as well.  Her voice was drifting to him as she sang along with the tune on at the moment.  Most of the notes, she matched but every so often she would hit one off key.  It was adorable.

His heart clenched at the sound.  Oh, he loved her.  He thought he loved her before they got married but now... it was so much more.  He loved that they spent almost every moment together since she had stepped down from the paper to write full-time.  He had laughed a long time when he finally confessed to being the one to buy the laptop, after having read her erotic novels.  Her first book, under the name of S. L. Uzumaki, was due to release next month.  She had given him quite the reward for that confession.

All the years he had spent alone had been made up for in the short time they had been together.  He had never been this happy in his life or as satisfied.  He smiled slightly.  She was carrying his son.  The continuance of the Hatake clan.  It had never mattered to him before but now... this pleased him that his clan would not die out.  In that way, he shared that commonality with Itachi.  They were so similar in some ways.

He wondered if Melissa was right.  That they would have more children or if their son would be the only one.  Kakashi almost chuckled thinking about what she had said.  Yes, he couldn't keep his hands to himself.  It would be interesting to see how many children they did have together.  Even if it was just the one, he was more than pleased.  He didn't deserve everything he had now, he was very aware of that fact.  Sarah looked at him like he was the best thing in this world, but he felt as if he was nothing but a lucky failure.  He didn't understand what she saw in him and a part of him feared that his karma would come around and he would lose all that he had now.

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