Unexpected Resurrection

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Klaudia gasped as she felt life suddenly flare back up into her body.  Her eyes had started to fade as she stared at the tree branches above where she and Anabel had fallen.  She sat up, startled to see that her wounds were closing as a faint green glow slowly dissipated around her.  Where she had fallen, the ground was soaked with her blood and seeping into the dirt.  She turned her head to the side, watching as the same green glow seemed to be coming up from beneath the dirt before it faded.  She blinked as a rustling came to her left and stared as several large deer came out of the woods.  She raised her hand in peace to them before they slowly turned and walked away.

After eying them until they disappeared from view, she turned her gaze to Anabel and put her hand on her arm.  "Anabel..."

The other woman remained silent and Klaudia noticed that the wounds on her body had also healed miraculously, leaving behind only the ripped and bloodied fabric of her clothes.  She remembered as she was boarding the plane, the whisper that something was going to happen on the flight, and she shook at the memory.  As the plane started to come apart, she had been in communication with the universe to try to understand how what was happening would have good come as well.  She had only received one word, "Wait."

Klaudia gasped when suddenly a man glowing in yellow appeared in front of her.  His eyes struck her first and she was stunned as she looked at him, knowing who he was.  It was impossible but there was no denying who he looked like at all!  Her hand went up to her mouth as she stared at him.  "Naruto?" she whispered.  "Are you Naruto?"

"His clone, believe it!  Who are you, where did you come from?"

Klaudia looked up to the sky, feeling wonder set in upon her.  Wait indeed!  She looked back at him, feeling a stirring in her abilities and knowing she was safe in saying, "From another world... we were on a flight and the plane exploded.  My friends... there were others..."

The clone tilted his head to the side and gave a nod, "The other clones are with them as is the real Naruto.  There are seven of you?"

"From our group but there were many other passengers on our flight..." she responded then almost grimaced as she realized that everyone else on board must have perished.

The clone came to her side and assisted her to her feet.  He then knelt and picked up Anabel who was still unconscious.  He then looked at her, "Hold onto my back.  We are going back to the Hokage's office until we figure out what has happened."

Klaudia stared at him for a moment before moving around behind him and wrapping her arms around his neck.  She gave a small squeal as they skyrocketed into the air at a speed that was dizzying.  It was terrifying and exhilarating all at once as they streaked across the sky and towards the mountain faces in the distance.

Far beneath the earth, a monster stirred.  Hidan had been under the earth for a long time, alive but not alive.  His body having been blown into so many pieces that he had been unable to piece himself together.  He had cried out to Jashin over and over again, but his "god" had ignored those cries.  After such a long period of time, he could only conclude that Jashin was not the all-powerful god he had believed him to be.  The anger, rage, and betrayal he felt after worshipping him for so long had been unimaginable.

An eternity passed before he heard something hit the ground above him with enough force to rattle his pieces beneath the dirt.  Then as if a miracle happened, he felt his pieces being drawn together as a warmth infiltrated him.  What had once been many pieces was finally drawn back together and he pushed forward up out of the hole he had been buried in, his hand first breaking free of the prison.  As he pulled himself out his hand touched fresh blood, from directly above where he had been entombed alive.  He licked the blood from his hand, and he saw the image of a woman in his mind as he connected with her spirit. This woman was a goddess... her blood must have saved him.  As he rose to his feet, he knew that he would have to find her and worship her as was her due.  She had done what Jashin never would do, and he would forever worship at her feet for that.

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