Grip of Shadows

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Neo was having the time of her life.  Pervy Sage was a riot and she had laughed hard as she rode on his back while downing drinks like a fish.  He was a mountain of a man and from her vantage point, she could see everything going on in the bar all at once.  His laughter was infectious, and the bar filled up so fast, she was thrilled that she had got it all rolling.  The girl's performance to "Boondocks" was hilarious but she was quickly losing sight of everyone as the place became so crowded, even if she was at least a head above everyone else on Pervy Sage's back.  It was now quite the crush at this point.  She didn't miss that Sarah and Melissa were fighting by the door.  She smirked a little bit.  Now that was a bit of humor watching the two Elders yelling at each other.  She'd have loved to know what sparked that fight this time!  She then watched as Sarah weaved out the door, her body hitting it hard as she stumbled before twirling outside.  Melissa moved in the opposite direction, and she considered running after Sarah, knowing she was out of her mind on alcohol at that moment.  She then almost laughed as she saw Kakashi abruptly leaving his booth, getting into some kind of discussion with Yamato at the door, before quickly running after her.  Neo almost howled with laughter.  Sarah's little song to him must have got a rise out of him the way he was booking it out the door.  Damn, good for her!  She hoped he railed the shit out of her!

She was about to get off when she caught sight of Klaudia heading their way but was abruptly blocked by a tall man.  He was wearing the most outlandish orange suit with a fedora style hat pulled down low, hiding his features from view.  She narrowed her eyes at the way he had pulled her close.  The look on Klaudia's face was fearful as she looked up at him.

Oh hell no, no man was going to do that to her friend!  The look on her face was enough to tell her that she had not invited the contact at all.  Yet as she watched, she was shocked as Klaudia seemed to willingly start moving towards the door with him.  She could feel it in every bone of her body that something was definitely wrong, and she slid off the back she had been on.  She probably should have said something to Jiraiya, but it didn't even cross her mind until she was already out the door in pursuit.  Too late now.  She shifted her eyes around and caught a glimpse of movement on the rooftops, her mouth dropped open, and she started running after it.

They were moving so fast, though, that she quickly lost them as she rounded an alley corner and collided hard with an unmovable mound of flesh.  She stumbled back and almost fell on her ass before a hand snaked out and caught her wrist, stopping the fall.  Red eyes gleamed in the darkness, and she was just as transfixed as she had been earlier in the day.

"Itachi..." she managed to say before shaking herself, trying to avoid looking into those eyes.  "I don't have time to talk right now, someone just abducted my friend!"

"Hidan," Itachi said softly.  "You'll never catch him.  He's already out of the village by now."

"How did you-"

"I was tracking him when he went into the bar," Itachi said softly.  "I was waiting for him to come out to continue tracking him when you crashed into me."

"Well damn it, don't wait on me - go!  God only knows what he's going to do to her!"

"Your friend's fate is already sealed," Itachi stated in a monotone.  "Whatever reason he had for boldly coming into the Leaf to take her, he's already well out of our reach and will accomplish it."

"What?  Well, you're Itachi, arguably the strongest Uchiha, you can still save her!"

Itachi's lip twitched just slightly, "I appreciate your confidence in me, but Hidan is powerful as well and no doubt has planned this abduction very well.  Naruto gave strict orders that we are to track not counter.  He wants to be the one to take him down.  Tracking her will take time now that he has her out of the village. There are any number of places he could have taken her.  I have my crows looking and watching, he will surface again soon enough."  He took her face in his hand and forced her to look at him, she flinched as she felt the push against her mind as he took control over her.  "You've drank quite a lot little one.  Not always the best thing to do in the Leaf, even in times of peace."

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