Lord Kazekage and Itachi

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Keleana was watching the pharmacist she was working alongside with wide eyes.  This was about as old school as she could even possibly imagine.  He had huge jars filled with powdered drugs of every variety imaginable as well as herbs and other natural medicines.  He was also ancient in her estimation.  She had been in school to be a pharmacist but this was a totally new experience!  She poked at a bottle that had some kind of dead toads in it and got a laugh from the old man who had been watching her closely.

"You look a little lost, dear," the old man chortled.  "What kind of medication did you work with in the past?"

"I was still studying but... most of the medicine I've worked with was already capsulated.  In my... village, almost everyone took pills or used liquid forms."

"Ah... so you were in a progressive village," he said with a nod.  "Well, I will teach you everything I know and one day, when I decide to retire, perhaps you will be skilled enough to take over for me and bring some of that progression to the village.  Since the Hokage recommended you to me, he must have a lot of faith in you and that is good enough for me."

Keleana smiled at him although she was not as confident as he was at the moment.  Could she really learn this?  Pills were easy.  The pharmaceutical companies put them in the right dosages and mixtures. She had only got into it just so that she could give Kiva the stable life she deserved. This was like being a scientist!  Was she even smart enough to learn this?  No, she had to!  This was her new life and she had to do her best, even if Kiva was not with her for motivation to push herself.  She could do this!  The phone started ringing and Mr. Zawaki turned to answer it, leaving her for the moment.  A draft blew over her while a bell faintly tinkled in the adjoining room.  She glanced at her employer before straightening her back and went into the front to greet whoever had come into the shop.  She put a smile on her face then almost fell over as she caught sight of who had come into the shop.

Gaara, The Lord Kazekage of the Sand.  Her heart leaped in her chest at the sight of him.  He was more handsome than she could have ever imagined he would be in real life.  His skin was very fair, which was a bit amazing considering he came from such a hot climate.  Yet it was those piercing green eyes that sent butterflies into the pit of her stomach.  His short auburn hair was combed and parted in just such a way that you could see where he carved the kanji for "love" on the left side of his forehead.  Why was he here?  More importantly, why was he in the Leaf?  That usually didn't bode very well. It took almost everything in Keleana to push past her shock and attraction to smile at him as he approached.  Someone really needed to get ahold of that hair of his and put it back to the wild spikes that had identified his youth.  "Good afternoon, how can I help you?"

Gaara gazed at the woman behind the counter for a long moment.  He was not expecting her in the least.  He had been coming to see Mr. Zawaki for his persistent headaches since he had first started visiting the Leaf.  He was not sure how the old man did it, but his medicine cured his headaches almost immediately.  As he approached the counter, he was hoping that nothing had happened to the old man.  She was a pretty woman with dark brown eyes and long hair that was threaded through with a mixture of brown, gold, and red.  Her lips were heart shaped and curled up in a beautiful smile that momentarily stunned him.

He finally spoke after shaking himself out of his momentary distraction, "Is Mr. Zawaki here today?"

"Yes, he is in the other room on the phone.  He shouldn't be very long."  Her eyes were smiling at him as she looked at him with an expression he had not seen very often.  "You're Gaara, right?  The Kazekage of the Sand?  I'm a big fan.  My name is Keleana."

Gaara felt his face warm a little.  He then noticed she had extended her hand to him, and a blush started to cross her face as she started to withdraw it.  He quickly extended his own and took her hand in his own.  It was very soft as if she moisturized a lot.  Her eyes softened and her lips parted a bit from the contact.

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