Storm Brewing

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Keleana could not stop squeezing her daughter.  She had fallen asleep on the way back to the apartment.  Temari had walked almost silently alongside her, a slight smile playing on her lips. Her eyes shifted over to her before saying, "She's really cute, KK."

She smiled at the taller woman, "Thank you.  I can't believe Sarah was able to bring her here."  She worried her lower lip between her teeth for a moment, "She'll be okay, won't she?  I mean, she was still passed out even after Sakura worked on her."

Temari chuckled, "If Sakura said she would be okay, she will be okay."  She eyed Kiva whose plump little cheek was pressed against her mother's shoulder as she slept.  "So, it seems, I have a niece now in addition to my nephew... or at least, she will be once you and Gaara are official."

"It should be interesting when Kiva meets Shinki," she responded then gave her a look.  "I hope he doesn't resent me for marrying his father suddenly like this."

"Shinki is very mature for his age, he will accept you both."

Keleana made a face, "I hope Kiva does the same.  She can be a little... aggressive sometimes."

Temari laughed hard at the words, "Excellent!  As any Sand Shinobi should be!  Gaara will make sure she is trained correctly to use that aggression positively."  She reached out and smoothed back the soft hair on Kiva's head.  "When you are in the Leaf, I will also enjoy teaching her.  I'm glad she is with you now, so you have no regrets."

"Gaara is going to be shocked when he sees her," Keleana said as they got close to the apartment.

Temari laughed, "Yes, he will be, but I doubt he will show it."

Keleana gave her a one-armed hug as they parted ways and hurried up to the apartment.  The doorman opened the door for her as she passed by, and she was thankful there was an elevator in the fancy high rise.  She shifted a little nervously on her feet as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened.  The apartment was dark, but the lights came up as she walked inside and Gaara came out of the bedroom.

She was surprised as his face showed some surprise as he looked at her, "I did not expect you back tonight."  His green eyes then shifted down to Kiva and softened.  "Is this... Kiva?  How?"

"Sarah opened a portal and brought her through," she said softly with tears in her eyes.

Gaara smiled the biggest smile she had ever seen him give.  "That's wonderful.  Now our family will be complete.  Come, you must be as tired as she is.  Let's rest."

Melissa was staring at the stars above from where she was sprawled on one of the bed mats.  There was no way she was walking home tonight.  It didn't really even feel like home since she had just moved in with the other girls that day.  She felt almost a little weird having taken over Keleana's old room.  The stars were spinning just a little bit but enough to tell her she had drank more than enough.  Almost everyone had left except for Anabel, who was passed out on a different mat, and TenTen who was passed out somewhere else.  Not far from her, Max was lying flat on her back snoring already.  Melissa almost laughed at the sound because it was rather loud, she had obviously had way more than she could handle.  It was definitely a drunk snore.

Neo was not outside as Itachi had arrived and she had gotten the distinct impression he was in a mood.  He had silently taken Neo's hand and pulled her into their home.  She had heard Neo yelling about something, but she could not quite make out the words and then all went silent.  She winced, not wanting to even know how that fight had gone.  She had a good feeling it had something to do with that kiss Neo had laid on TenTen.  She smirked slightly as she wiggled on the mat, getting in just the right position.  She yawned and closed her eyes, still feeling like the world was spinning a little.  Just the right level of drunk in her opinion.

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