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Melissa was on her way back to her place when she caught sight of Yamato.  She frowned slightly, checking the time on her watch.  He should be with Sarah about now.  Concern crossed her features as she noticed that he was holding his head as if he had the worst headache ever.  He even shook his head a time or two as if trying to clear it. She glanced up at Iruka who was escorting her back from work.  His dark eyes had also seemed to notice that something was off as he called out to Yamato. The other man glanced over, and a slight frown crossed his features before his shoulders slumped and he walked in their direction.  She noticed that his clothes were a bit dirty, and he had what looked like a black eye starting to form.

"What happened to you?" Melissa asked before Iruka could say something.

Yamato rubbed the back of his neck and gave a nervous sort of chuckle, "I got between a wolf and his prey."


Iruka knew exactly what he was saying and started laughing, getting a scowl from Melissa in the process.  "So, he finally did it, huh?  Why did you even try to stop that?"

Yamato shifted on his feet, not sure if he should say anything or not but then shrugged.  Sarah would most likely tell Melissa soon enough herself.  "Because the idiot first went after her as Sukea and she knew it was him and needless to say, she was really hurt by that."

"Wait a minute, are you talking about Sarah and Kakashi?" Melissa asked with wide eyes.

"Ah... so you know about his alter ego too?"  Yamato said then scowled.  "Damn, I didn't until she told me."

"Yes, I do!  Sarah's been a bit clueless as to why he's been doing that.  I figured it out that he had a rather big hard on for her, of course, but she's rather blind to that sort of thing."  She then stiffened, "Wait a minute, he went after her as Sukea?!  That son of a bitch, does he not know what that would do to her I'm going to cut his balls off!"

Yamato laughed at the look on her face and raised his hands, "Well she got him rather good for that."  He decided to not say how as he went on, "I brought her back to work and he showed up as himself.  I was going to fight him and I'm not sure what he used, but he hit me with some kind of knockout gas then punched me.  It happened so fast I was out before I hit the ground.  I just woke up.  I'm not sure where they went but at some point, he must have put a sealing Jutsu on the door.  Took me a little while to break in there but they were gone.  She must have used one of her portals for them to get out with that Jutsu still in place."

Iruka was laughing hard and shaking his head.  "At least he finally can stop hanging out on the roof across the street."

Melissa spun to look at him, "He's been doing what?"

Iruka rubbed the back of his neck, "He's been watching from across the street every day until she goes to sleep."

"And how do you know this?" she asked with narrowed eyes.

Iruka gave a nervous chuckle, "I might have joined him a couple of times."

"Iruka Umino, you were spying on me?!"

"Whoa, Whoa... not intentionally.  The first time was because I saw movement up there and thought I should check it out.  The second time, Kakashi called me up because you two were making quite the show and he thought I might get a kick out of it like he was."  He leaned forward, "By the way, that was when I figured out the journal was yours when one of the songs you had written down came on."

Melissa felt her face flush with color then she started laughing.  She glanced back at Yamato who was watching the interaction with interest.  "Don't worry about Sarah, Yamato.  If she went with him through a portal, I'm sure she's a willing participant.  She can't hold a grudge for very long against anyone and most especially him.  She's been crazy in love with him for years now."

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