Death of a Shinobi

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Neo grunted as not one, but two feet kicked her inside.  She gave a narrowed eyed look at her belly.  The kids were definitely Uchihas as that felt like it had connected with the opposite ends of her stomach.  She could almost imagine the babies was doing somersaults and fighting imaginary rogue ninja already... or each other?  Would they be in alignment with one another or always at odds?  The kids were smart like the Uchiha's as well.  The movements inside were always different depending on whether she was talking to them, or their father was talking.  She had played a variety of music as well and got different responses to the sounds she piped in.  She was a little nervous she might not be able to keep up with them once they were here!

"Now listen here kiddos," Neo spoke to her belly.  "You gotta give me a break with all that fighting going on.  I've already been to the bathroom three times!"

Sakura laughed to her right while Hinata giggled.  They had been giving her advice about what all to get ready for when the baby made its arrival.  Keleana made a face at her, "Imagine having three going at one time.  Be thankful you only got twins."

Neo winced at the thought.  She couldn't imagine more than two as this two seemed to be all over the place all the time!  Even Itachi had thought the movements were a lot more active than he had seen and he had been there with his mother during her pregnancy with Sasuke.  Her eyes widened slightly as the devil himself came walking into the room to obviously collect his wife.  She didn't know he was back from his travels already.

She was so preoccupied with Sasuke's arrival that she didn't notice her husband coming up behind her until his arms were suddenly around her and his face was nuzzling her neck.  "Neo, have I told you recently how much I love you?" he said rather loudly and with obvious emotion in the tone.  "I'd kill for you and never regret it!"

Everyone, Sasuke included, were looking at him as if he had lost his mind.  The smell of alcohol hit her at the same moment she took in their expressions, and she almost started dying laughing.  Her husband... Itachi Uchiha... was drunk as a skunk!

"Oh, I wish you weren't so pregnant... I really want to recreate how we made-"

Neo turned in her seat and covered his mouth before he could finish that sentence.  She did laugh then as she looked at his glassy dark eyes.  He had the goofiest smile on his face beneath her fingers covering those lips of his.  He playfully bit her fingers before giving her a kiss that would have been best served in the bedroom.

"Surely there is some way we can..." he then started to say with a gleam in his eyes.

"Itachi, have you lost your mind?" Sasuke stated in that tone he reserved usually for Naruto.

His brother shifted his dark eyes towards him before laughing hard.  Everyone could only gape at him as the sound bounced off the walls.  Neo gave a startled squeal as he abruptly swung her up in his arms and started towards the door without answering his brother's question.  She buried her face into his neck, trying hard to not die laughing.  She was glad she had already tucked the scroll containing all her gifts into her dress pocket or someone would have had to bring it to her later as Itachi did not appear to be willing to stop for a moment.

They were almost out the door when joy turned into a nightmare.

A few minutes before...

Klaudia's brows shot up as she saw Hidan almost stumble out of the backroom.  He looked around for a moment before his eyes found her.  She was surprised to see that his eyes were a little red, as if he had been crying.  He moved immediately over to her and dropped down in front of her.  He placed his head in her lap while his arms wrapped around her waist, barely able to fully go around her very large stomach.  She hesitantly placed her hand on his head and gently stroked his soft hair.

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