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Melissa had a feeling the girls were up to something.  They had all went back upstairs to change into something more comfortable as the reception was starting to roll.  The guests were already in line getting food and she was due to be at the wedding table shortly.  They kept glancing towards her but didn't say anything.  They seemed almost gleeful with the sneaky looks they were sending her way.  This should be good if they were all involved in it. She checked herself one last time, satisfied that the pants and shirt she had changed into for comfort was still dressy enough for the reception.

Sarah came over to her, half changed and then started shoving her towards the door.  "Get your ass moving, everyone is waiting for you down there.  We'll be down in a minute."

She then knew something was going on but decided to play along with them as she hurried out the door to join Iruka downstairs.  He looked over then did a double take at her transformation.  His mouth dropped open as she slid into the seat next to him.  The room was not nearly as full as the wedding had been as only those closest to the groom and bride had been invited to stay for the reception.

"Whoa... wait a minute, how do you get to change out of your dress, but I am stuck in my suit?" he said with laughter in his dark eyes.

"Well... you should have brought a change of clothes... Mr. Umino," she teased.

He held her chin between his thumb and index finger, his eyes glittering as he leaned towards her.  "Now isn't that something a wife should do for her husband... Mrs. Umino?"

She laughed hard, "Oh you're in for a wakeup call my love if you think-"

Iruka kissed her before she could finish the sentence.  As he pulled back, the air was suddenly filled with a sound that she never thought she would ever hear again.

The doors opened at the entrance to the reception hall.  Melissa's mouth dropped open as all the girls, including Hinata and Sakura, came out as the Akatsuki entrance theme song rolled through the room.  She covered her mouth, trying hard to not laugh.  She was the only person, outside of the group, that would have any idea the significance of this song.  Even Itachi and Hidan wouldn't have a clue as to what the song was about as it was part of the show, not a part of their actual lives.

She was trying so hard to not laugh as they all came out in a dramatic way and then froze in a pose, drawing everyone's attention.  The first song transitioned, and she then did give a small squeal as she heard the first strings of "River" by Bishop Briggs start to play.  Noooooo, Sarah wouldn't...  At that same moment, her best friend caught her eye then winked.  Good Lord, she did!

The women all started dancing in an obviously choreographed moves to the song as they spread out around the room.  Melissa was giggling even before the best began to happen.  She had told Sarah a dozen times how funny it would be if they ever made it to the world of Naruto to dance to that very song with the men they simped for.  She glanced towards the men that were spread about, watching with wide eyes their wives or girlfriends dancing.  Jiraiya looked like he was about to pop a vein as he watched.  She had a feeling he wouldn't be putting up a fight against Anabel anymore by the time this was over!

They then all separated, still dancing but moving closer to their men.  She did start laughing then and Iruka looked over at her in question as to why she was laughing so hard.  She caught her breath long enough to tell him, "Their men are not ready for this. Oh my God, this is going to be so epic!"

Iruka raised both brows then turned back just as the each of the women reached their men, the words to the song hit his mind and his mouth dropped open as each of them pulled their man towards them and danced up against them in such a provocative way that they were all taken back.  Even Sasuke and Naruto had been pulled into it.

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