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Kakashi was having a hard time watching Yamato as he had an arm around Sarah as they walked down the street. She was fiddling with the camera, checking the settings and seemed completely at ease with the way he was manhandling her. Surely, she wasn't that dense. She had to know he was putting the moves on her. How could she act so indifferent to the way he was practically feeling her up! Okay, maybe not feeling her up but still... he was hanging all over her. She should at least protest that much since they weren't going out... fuck, he hadn't already asked her out, had he? He flattened his lips together, trying to remember he was playing the role of Sukea at the moment. When she had come into the office, she had looked at him for a long moment with an expression of shock. He thought she might have known who he really was, but she didn't say anything as they left so he assumed she was just as fooled as Naruto and the others were to this very day. He had felt a small measure of smugness when he noticed how dilated her eyes went when she looked at him.

"So... Hatake?" Yamato said as he looked down at her with a raised brow. "Please tell me you're a distant relation to Kakashi after all. Make my day and say that you two are related."

Sarah groaned then laughed, "Yeah, that's my last name but for the love of God don't use it. Sorry, I hate to disappoint you, but we're not related even a little." She then poked him in the side, "And don't act like you didn't already know that."

Yamato was shaking with his laughter, "Dare I ask?"

"After my husband died..."

"You were married?" Yamato asked with wide eyes. "Was he a Hatake?"

Sarah shook her head negative but didn't say anything else about it. Kakashi could almost see a shadow fall over her. She finally looked at Yamato once she could talk past the lump in her throat, "After he died, I changed my name because I decided I was done with real men completely. It will sound stupid, but I chose that last name because out of everyone he knew what it was like to lose everything and that's how I felt at that time."

Yamato tilted his head to the side, "You seriously are done with real men?"

Sarah flushed at the question, knowing he was asking for personal reasons. She bit her lower lip before looking away, "That was before I moved here. The men where I came from... let's just say they aren't like the men here."

Kakashi cleared his throat, reminding them that they were not alone. Sarah looked over at him and grinned. "Oh sorry, Sukea. I forgot you were there. You're really quiet."

"A good quality in a reporter is to go un-noticed so you can gather information you normally wouldn't get," he responded. "So, tell me about your village, where are you from?"

"Far away from here," she responded vaguely. Good girl. "The village was very fast and progressive compared to here. A lot more technologically advanced. But it was also very impersonal, and most people ignored one another. The society is very motivated by looks and status. Your value as a person is dependent upon both."

Yamato got an almost devilish look in his eyes as he looked down at her, "So you must have been pretty high up on the food chain."

Sarah almost choked as she looked at him. She then narrowed her eyes, "I think we need to get you a pair of glasses. That's two times you've said something outrageous about my looks." She poked at her belly for emphasis. "Trust me I was far down on that food chain. There is nothing more frowned upon in my old... village than having a pudgy, Pilsbury dough boy body. But I have wickedly good writing skills and that is where I made my real money."

Yamato was laughing now, "What the hell is a Pilsbury dough boy?"

Sarah felt her face warm then started laughing before explaining what that was. He raised his brows after the description before going in for the kill. She almost died. "Huh, well I personally like a woman with meat on their bones. Gives a man something to grab onto while he-"

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