Killer or Friend

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Sarah suddenly snapped out of it and grabbed the front of his shirt.  "Come on, we have to get back there now before Naruto or Shikamaru kill Hidan!"

Kakashi almost tripped on his own feet at the words as she pulled him in the direction of the campsite.  "Wait, what?!" he almost yelled.

She gave him a dark look before continuing on, "If it wasn't for Hidan my throat would have been cut open or worse, the girls would most likely be captured right now.  He saved us, Kakashi.  Klaudia must have got to him like the universe said she would.  Now hurry, we have to get there!"

Kakashi was stunned but grabbed her up, putting her on his back.  She felt her face flush with color at the action, but she had to admit, he was moving a hell of a lot faster than she would have been able to run.  She just wasn't athletic in the least.  After today's incident, however, she decided it was time that she did become somewhat athletic.  She had never felt quite so useless as she had sitting on the sidelines while her friends took the blunt of the assault.  Then her dumb ass had got captured and it almost cost all of them their freedom.  Who even knew why these guys were after them?!

She leaned forward, resting his chin on his shoulder and breathing in his cologne.  God, he smelled good.  His gray eyes shifted over to her as he leaped through the trees back to camp.  "Comfortable?"

"MmmHmm," she responded with a smile.  "You smell good."

Kakashi gave a short laugh, his eyes narrowing.  "I'm glad you approve."  He then sighed, "I don't know why we are hurrying.  Naruto will have already taken Hidan down by the time we catch up to them."

"I hope not," Sarah responded softly.  "He really did save our asses, Kakashi.  He came back here knowing that the Leaf would be out for blood, and it was for our benefit.  I know Klaudia must have seen or been told this was going to happen."

He closed his eyes, "Damn.  I don't like being indebted to the likes of him."

Sarah blinked, "You're not indebted to anyone.  It's us girls that are in his debt."

"Your debts are mine, Sarah," he responded softly. "And besides that, as you said you would most likely be dead or captured if not for him.  That makes me in his debt because you are my everything."

Sarah's eyes burned at the words, "Kakashi..."

They reached the campground before she could say anything more.  Her eyes widened as she took in the scene in front of them.  All of the women, including Hinata and Temari, were surrounding Hidan while Naruto and Shikamaru were yelling at them to stand aside.  Itachi was silently standing off to the side, watching the scene carefully.  Neji was behind Naruto and Shikamaru but was silent at the moment.  Iruka was watching both sides with wide eyes, as if he wasn't sure who he should be siding with after the women gave their argument for Hidan.  Hinata and Temari were in the front, arguing with their husbands.

Kakashi gave a long sigh before setting Sarah down.  He looked at her and raised a finger in warning, "Not a word, Sarah.  I will handle this."

Sarah gave him a nod then hurried over to where Klaudia was standing, a nervous expression on her face as she watched what would happen to the man she loved.  She threw her arms around her friend, ignoring the yelling going on at the moment.  "Oh my god... Klaudia, I thought I'd never see you again!"

Sarah then winced as the back of her head was smacked once again.  She glared at Melissa, "Will you fucking stop hitting my head?! "

"Sure, as soon as you stop being a dumb ass!" Melissa snapped at her.  "What the fuck was that bullshit you did?  I thought you might have got yourself killed for real this time!"

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