Darkness in Shadows

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Sarah was watching Neo with Itachi silently as the group talked around the fire.  They were such a sharp contrast to one another.  He was very solemn and from what she had seen on the show had always been.  He was completely unreadable even to her and she had always been a bit of an empath.    Neo on the other hand was like a ball of fire, full of energy and an expression for everything.  They were adorable together.  She narrowed her eyes slightly on him, still a bit pissed for what he had done to Kakashi all those years ago but... she couldn't hate him anymore, not with the way that Neo loved him so much.

"You're going to get yourself in a Genjutsu you keep glaring at him like that," Melissa said as she moved to sit on the stump next to her.

"I want him to apologize to Kakashi," she said softly.

Melissa choked on her drink then laughed, "Good luck with that.  It was a time of war, shit happens in war."

"IDGAF!  Crucifixion and impalement is above and beyond what was necessary," Sarah said starting to get riled up.

Melissa popped her on the back of the head.  Sarah winced and covered the spot she hit with her head before glaring at her.  "You're going to stir up more trouble than you can handle."

Sarah snorted, "He isn't going to do anything."  She stretched and got to her feet.  She cast a glance towards Kakashi who was talking with Iruka and Naruto on the opposite side of the fire.  "I'm going to go use the rest room.  I'll be back in a minute."

"Just don't wander too far," Melissa warned.  "Remember what the guys said about Rogue ninja's."

"Yeah, yeah," she said with a wave of her hand.

Melissa snorted as she watched her slip away from the camp.  She'd probably end up lost as cocky as she was acting.  It would serve her right.  Not that Kakashi wouldn't find her fast enough. He had already taken note of what direction she had gone.  She grinned, wondering if her friend even realized how much her boyfriend was aware of her every movement.  Doubtful.

Anabel sat down next to Melissa and gave her a grin.  "So... how are things going with you and Iruka?"

"Very good," Melissa responded.  "Konahamaru?"

"Hmm.  We're just having fun right now," she tapped her fingers on her chin.  "He's gone a lot but so am I.  It works for us right now."  She sighed, "It would have been nice if he could have come too, though.  I kinda feel a little awkward being the only one alone on this caravan."

"I understand, I was feeling the same until Iruka unexpectedly showed up."  She looked at her, "By the way... what kind of power did you unlock?"

Anabel laughed softly, "Water Jutsu.  I can manipulate water, even freeze it if I want.  It looks cooler than what it sounds like.  What about you?  Anything new?"

"Well... when Jiraiya isn't oogling me I've been learning some medical Ninjutsu and how to focus my Chakra like Sakura and Lady Tsunade."

"OH!  That will be so amazing if you get super strength like them!"

Melissa grinned, "I really, really hope so!  I've been able to do a couple really cool things, but I got a long way to go."

Sarah hated the outdoors.  She was not a camper by any stretch of the imagination, never had been.  She remembered a camping trip when she was much younger that everything that could go wrong went wrong.  It was the last time she went camping and had vowed the last ever.  It had taken her a little while to find a spot she felt comfortable using.

She was about to go to the river to wash her hands when the air around her stirred and she found herself standing in front of Itachi.  She almost jumped, so startled by his sudden appearance.  She frowned at him, "What do you want?"  She then cursed as she saw his eyes flash red and the world around her disappeared to a landscape so alien, she didn't have to guess that she was caught up in one of his Genjutsu's.  "What the fuck!"

Weeb Sisters: Crossing the VeilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora