Training Begins

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Keleana was in a state of shock as she walked out of the pharmacy for the day.  She had received a message earlier saying her trainer would meet her after work but she never... not in a million years... would have ever expected who would be her teacher.  She looked over her shoulder, then up and down the street not believing what she was seeing.  Surely, he was here for some other reason.  There was no way that he was going to be her teacher!  She'd hardly be able to concentrate that close to him!

"Lord Kazekage," she said as her face flamed.  "Are you back to get more elixir?"

"No, I'm here to train you," he said in that gravelly, unemotional voice of his.

Her mouth literally dropped open, "You... are going to train me?  Don't you have to go back to the Sand village?"

"Kankuro is there if anything arises that needs my attention," he responded, his green eyes narrowing in what suspiciously looked like humor, but she wasn't sure.  "As powerful as Sasuke said you could become, I volunteered to oversee the training.  I have been needing to take a break from the duties of Kazekage, and this will be just the break I need.  If I am required to return... you will just come with me."

That sounded a bit high handed in her opinion.  She couldn't just up and leave everything like that... but those green eyes of his were almost mesmerizing.  Maybe just for a little while... He motioned towards the rickshaw that was waiting for them.  She swallowed hard then ducked her head before passing him to get inside.  It was a bit startling when he followed her and sat next to her.  The rickshaw was not wide enough for any space and his leg was almost right up alongside her own.

"I thought we should go a little way outside the village to train.  I am not sure what will happen when we unlock your abilities, and it would be better if we are far enough away that no one can be injured."  He shifted a little in his seat to look at her, causing another blush to warm her face.  Her nerves might not make it through this training.  "Tell me about yourself, Keleana."

She shifted her eyes over to him.  He was just so handsome it made her stomach twist up in knots.  She clinched her hands together in her lap, "There really isn't a whole lot to tell that you that you don't already know."

"I find that hard to believe," he responded softly.  "Your world... it is very different than this one, correct?"

"Yes," she said with a nod.  "Things are... simple here.  It's peaceful.  There were things in my world that were just plain awful.  I know a lot of bad things happen here too but... since I've been here, I don't think about having to look over my shoulder when I'm by myself.  I feel safe going to and from work by foot.  Even walking at night... At least I did before Hidan took off with Klaudia."

"Yes, you are most certainly in danger now," Gaara responded softly.  "You won't be once you grasp your power."

Keleana fidgeted in her seat before turning fully towards him, "Lord Kazekage-"

"Call me Gaara," he interrupted.  "We will be working together, and the title will be awkward."

"Gaara," she said softly, her eyes going soft again before she seemed to shake it off to look at him with a serious expression, "are you sure that I will be able to do this?  I'm not athletic at all obviously and-"

He leaned towards her, pinning her with those eyes of his.  She stopped talking as it was a rather intense look, much like the one he had been giving her in the pharmacy shop after realizing she was one of the other world women.  He literally took her breath away!

"The body is just a vessel," he finally said.  "It is what is inside that makes the difference.  Do not put trappings on what you can or cannot do... or be."  His eyes shifted down her frame for a moment before he turned to look off, "Regardless... there is nothing wrong with your body. It has a pleasant appearance."

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