Rock Lee

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Neo was laughing as she watched Max and Neji.  Max had obviously had one drink too many and was almost leaning completely on Neji.  He didn't seem to care as he looked down at her upturned face and kissed her for the hundredth time.  They were still out dancing together and had been for most of the night.  She shifted her eyes away from her then to Rock Lee.  Her mouth slowly dropped open as she saw that he was talking with Anabel and Jiraiiya, both of which were offering him some Sake.

"Nooooo...." she said before waddling as fast as she could in that direction.  She sent a gust of wind in their direction and knocked the Sake in question over.  All three laughed, not realizing that she was the one who had done that as she hurried over to them.

What was Anabel thinking?  She knew what Rock Lee was like after drinking even just a little!  He'd destroy what little bit was left of the reception in a matter of minutes.  She was almost there when Jiraiya produced another bottle and handed it directly to him. Lee tossed back the drink before she could stop him and she cringed.  She put her hand on Rock Lee's arm and forced a smile as she finally reached his side.

"Hi Lee, I'm Neo."  She shifted her attention to the glass he was holding, "What's that you've been drinking?"

"Oh Neo, Neji was telling me about you earlier," Rock Lee said with a big smile then looked down at the bottle.  "It is Sake.  I haven't had any for a long time and Anabel thought I might want to give it a try again.  Our first bottle got knocked over by the wind but Jiraiya had a second bottle.  Now that I am older, I should be able to handle it better than I used to."

"Anabel!" she hissed at her with narrowed eyes.  "What did you do?"

Anabel giggled as she leaned back against Jiraiya and lifted her own bottle of Sake.  Neo groaned as she spoke, her voice very slurred.  "Ah... the kid has earned a drink.  What's the worse that could happen?"

Neo looked at Rock Lee and knew it was only a matter of minutes before they found out.  She looked at Jiraiya, "And you encouraged and aided in this?"

Jiraiya chuckled, "Ah, the kid is older now.  Surely he's not as bad as..."

"Oh shit...." Neo said as she watched Rock Lee's eyes become glassy and narrow while his face flushed.

"And what are you looking at?" Rock Lee said rather loudly as he pointed at someone on the opposite side of the dancing area. "Why are you glaring at me?"

"Oh no, who gave Rock Lee alcohol?!" Might Guy's voice could be heard above the music just before a very large commotion erupted.

Anabel covered her mouth while giggling and Jiraiya gave a big shrug completely unrepentant for his role in the fiasco unfolding.  "That is one kid that won't ever be able to hold his alcohol."

"Oh you two..." Neo groaned.

A few startled shrieks, followed by a couple of tables being overturned sparked Neo's temper, especially when Neji and Max abruptly stopped dancing because of it.  The hell if this reception was going to get ruined like that.  She didn't even realize that her Ninjutsu was rising up in her as she waddled across the way in Rock Lee's direction.  Melissa glanced over at her as she passed and her mouth dropped open.

"Um Neo..."

Melissa raised her hands up in peace when her eyes shifted to her.  Electricity seemed to be glowing in her eyes as she looked over before she turned her attention back to Rock Lee who had knocked over a couple more tables as Might Guy was attempting to subdue him.  She extended her hands out and a twister suddenly appeared and wrapped itself around Lee.  He was suddenly yanked up into the air, caught in the vortex's strength.  Even his Drunkin Fist was unable to stop being caught in the violent current.

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