I Might Faint Again

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Kakashi Hatake had been laid flat like everyone else in the village but had recovered quicker than the others at Ichiraku's that had been eating alongside him.  As soon as he had gotten his strength back, he had moved as fast as he could to Naruto's office.  It did not take him long to see that whatever had hit him had also affected everyone in the village.  Many of the villagers were actually passed out in the street from the sudden depletion of Chakra.  He had only caught the tail end of the conversation Naruto had been having as he perched on the window.  

"We should be able to do some outreach and find something for you all. I can't promise it will be doing what you were doing but it will be something. Perhaps in time, you can do something you like better once you're established."  Naruto was saying as he stepped up onto the ledge silently.

"I'll go look through our records and find them some housing," Shikamaru had then said.

His eyes took in the women spread about the room in a second.  They were an unusual group to say the least.  First, their clothes were cut in multiple places with dried blood around each cut in the fabric.  His eyes stopped on one woman who had a huge hole in the front of her shirt, by far the most bloodied out of them all.  The entire front of her shirt was covered in blood, and he could still see traces on her face and neck that had been smeared.  She had been the only one that had noticed his arrival at the moment.  Her hazel eyes widened as he looked at her for a long moment, and her face turned a shade of red that he would liken to a tomato.  That was... interesting.  She was a pretty woman, despite looking like she had been dragged through hell.  He dragged his eyes away from her as he turned away to look at Naruto but kept her in his peripheral.  There was something about her that intrigued him.

"Yo, what's going on Naruto?"

Sarah could not believe Kakashi was in the room in the flesh.  The possibility of seeing him around the village had crossed her mind, how could it not since she had such a huge crush on him but seeing him literally only feet away was doing things to her heart and mind, she was almost shaking from it.  She could not stop staring at him, at least until Melissa came up next to her and smacked her on the back of the head before giving her a warning look.  She rubbed the back of her head and glared at her before averting her eyes to anywhere but where the handsome Shinobi was at the moment... well, enough that Melissa wouldn't pop her in the back of the head again.  She couldn't help but look when her friend wasn't paying attention.

"Kakashi Sensei, you get hit by that blast too?"

"Yes, it took out everyone in the village," he responded before shifting his eyes back to the women.  "Are they responsible for it?"

"No, no," Naruto said while rubbing the back of his neck and giving a big grin that he knew was all bullshit.  "These are special guests of the Leaf.  They're here permanently and we're trying to get them settled.  I have the ANBU investigating what happened with the Chakra right now."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing Naruto was lying to him about something involving the women but also getting the impression he wasn't going to say anything.  Before he could say anything, Shikamaru came back into the room.  The younger man gave him a look before turning his attention to Naruto and the women.  He cleared his throat before addressing them.  Kakashi was even more irritated that obviously Shikamaru was in on whatever Naruto was hiding as he spoke in carefully phrased words.  The look he was giving the women looked almost like a warning to not say anything in his presence.  He had been the damn Sixth Hokage, for God sake, and regardless the situation should have been included in whatever was going on.

"I've got your places lined up.  I'll let you decide how you want to room up with each other.  One apartment will house three of you, the other will house four.  Come on, you all need a change of clothes after your... scuffle.  No need to freak out the village looking at you as you are right now after your accident."

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