8 Trigrams 64 Palms

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Max was dripping sweat as she evaluated her sparring partner.  Fighting with Neji was like trying to fight a bear in the woods with only a spoon as a weapon.  He had begun teaching her Taijutsu techniques to use with her lightning ability.  It was very difficult, but her body was starting to conform to the ways in which she needed to move.  She was even losing a little bit of weight from the effort.  Yet it was her skill in invoking and hurling lightning that was giving her an edge.  She spun blocking the punch that came at her, returning with one that was charged with electricity.  She let out a startled shriek as she was grabbed by her wrist and flipped over, hitting the ground with a thud that knocked the wind out of her lungs.

Neji crouched over her, a smirk on his face.  Oh, she hated when he got that look.  Theirs was an unusual Sensei and student pairing.  They rarely said two words to each other and when they did say more, they usually ended up snapping at one another.  Thankfully he had not said anything more about the crush she had on him after that initial day.  It was bad enough that he had figured it out so damn easily and she had been unable to dissuade him from that knowledge.

But how was she not to get turned on looking at him?  His long hair was down whipping in the breeze, his white shirt partially open showing just enough of his toned chest that she almost bit her lip, and that cocky ass smirk on his face.  She hated it and loved it all at once.  

"You are getting faster but if it was not for your skill with your Jutsu, I would have had you on the ground much sooner," he spoke with a smirk.

"Pardon me for not having been in training since I was four," she growled at him.  "Or being some kind of prodigy like you are."

Neji pointed his finger at her, "You are a prodigy whether you realize it or not, Maddix.  As quickly as you learned mastery over your Jutsu, it is impressive." Max wasn't sure how to take that.  He then extended his hand to her.  Normally she would have slapped it away but this time she allowed him to assist her up to her feet.  "You have it in you to get a solid hit on me, but you are thinking too much.  Now... let's try this again.... focus Maddix, believe you can do this."

He stepped away from her and got in position.  She moved into the position that he had taught her, drawing on the strength and power inside of herself.  The lightning crackled in her hands as he began his rotation, "Eight Triagrams Sixty-Four Palms" he called as he began spinning.  Her first shot bounced off and she narrowed her eyes, feeling the surge coming through her body.  She had to nail him at least once, just once.  The air rippled with electricity and her eyes seemed to home in as she began to move, it was amazing, but she saw it.  A small window in the spin, so small that she knew it had to be her ability that even allowed her to see it.

Max leaped into the air, timing it to where she could reach almost to him when that opening came around her way.  She made a yell as she discharged in that precise moment and she landed in a crouch, watching as it made contact with him, and he was thrown back at least twenty feet.  She breathed hard for a moment, feeling most of her strength having been bled out in the attack.  She turned her head and noticed he had not moved from where he had landed.  Her eyes widened before she ran towards where he landed with concern rising.  Oh God, I hope I didn't kill him again!

She skidded to a stop and dropped down next to him.  She rolled him over then froze when he started laughing.  His face was soft as he laughed with genuine humor as he looked at her.  She scowled at him as he sat up still chuckling.  A pleased look was on his face. She shoved him then hit his arm a couple times with the flat of her hands, disgusted by his twisted humor.

"That was not funny!  I thought I killed you!"

He grabbed her arm before she could pull it back, yanked her towards him, and rolled her over.  He looked down at her smugly as she processed what had just happened, one of his hands holding her wrist hostage.  "The expression on your face was priceless," he said.  "Did you have genuine concern for my wellbeing, Maddix?"

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