54. Sarena-Now Is Not the Time

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That's what she felt. Ashley passed out and was being rushed to the hospital.

The twins were missing.

The party was still going on in the other room as if nothing was wrong. She could still hear the loud music and hear the happy party-goers, oblivious to her whole world being rocked. Only people that knew what was going on were those in that room, and there were still many questions to be answered.

"Babe, let me take you to the hospital."

It wasn't her husband asking her this, it was T-Zack standing beside her. Victor was busy with his security team trying to figure out where Krystle's guards were. They were driving the twins but he could not get a hold of either of them or the twins. Icee kept calling Kitty's phone and pacing the floor. Tennille and Nola went to the hospital with Ashley. She did not see where CJ went. Freezy and AKA were still there trying to keep Icee calm.

Her feet were stuck to the floor.

She wanted to be with all her sisters. All her sisters should be together. What the hell was going on?

"Zack, you can go, this is a family issue and-"

"I'm fam too, don't play that." T-Zack held her trembling hands. "I told you how I feel about you. Now that you told Victor, we can be together."

Except she did not feel the same way about him. She loved her husband, that never changed. T-Zack was simply a mistake. Feeling lonely and unwanted by her husband, she made a temporary lapse of judgment that could ruin her marriage.

She snatched her hands from him. "Victor is right over there!"

"I don't give a fuck!" he yelled out, of course, bringing attention to them talking. She looked over at Victor, just in time for him to look their way. She caught the look in his eyes.

T-Zack was a dead man.

Victor rushed over to them, staring T-Zack down but not saying a word. T-Zack did not back down either. This was not the time for this little confrontation, but there would never be a good time for it.

"Is this the dude? Should have known you were a bitch ass." Victor easily towered over T-Zack's five feet ten-inch frame and had him by maybe a hundred pounds of muscle.

But T-Zack did not back down. "I fuck her better than you ever could."

"The fuck you say about my wife?" Victor was quick as lightning for a big guy like him, no one saw how fast he moved before he struck T-Zack in the face sending him across the room and landing on the floor. Everyone in the room was quiet and watching them, not even Icee moving to come to his defense.

"Stay your ass down before I give you some more!" Victor shouted down at him.

She knew what kind of man T-Zack was and he was a fighter too, probably strapped. College-educated and a pretty boy, but he had a wild side to him. He struggled, but he got right back up and stood in front of Victor.

"I love her, she doesn't love you anymore."

Victor hit him again, but this time, T-Zack held his balance and took the hit. Icee rushed over, pushing T-Zack away from Victor.

"Yo! What the fuck is y'all doing? Kitty missing and you fighting over a chick? That ain't your wife? Bruh!"

T-Zack wiped at the blood on his mouth. "I love Sarena, man."

Icee pushed him further away, Victor ready to pounce on him again. "Are you insane right now? He will kill you, and I ain't letting that happen. Not tonight."

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