51. Krystle-A Storm is Brewing

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When she received the call from Kitty, all she heard was crying. She did not need to know what happened, Ricky and Jeff drove her straight to Kitty's house.

If she could feel her blood pressure rising, it was happening now. Soon as she made it to Kitty's room, she was sitting up in the bed, a slew of pillows behind her, crying inconsolably. Icee was at her side trying to get her to calm down, rubbing her stomach and kissing her forehead.

This must be bad news. She braced herself. "What happened? Are the babies okay? Did you-"

"Randi's dead!" she blurted out, then broke down in more tears.

Her assistant Randi?

"Icee, what happened?" she asked him because he was calmer, trying to get Kitty to calm herself.

"Babe, for real, I need you to breath and relax." He rubbed her stomach. "You need me to call your doctor?"

"No! Randi's dead, how do you think I'm supposed to feel?"

"What happened?" she asked again.

"I don't know. Victor called to let me know. Lil sis found him."

"WHAT?" she shouted out walking over to the bed. She rubbed her stomach in an attempt to calm herself down. Felt like her baby girl was doing somersaults. She kicked off her shoes and got in the bed with Kitty and hugged her sister.

Icee, standing on the other side of the bed relaxed. "You good twin, can you stay with her? I have to meet up with Vic to see what's going on."

"Go Ice."

Icee left and she did not know how to comfort her sister. They just sat there while she cried and she held her. There were so many questions. How did he die? He was young, was it natural causes or what? Did they think something was suspicious?

"Kitty, you need to calm down, breathe, relax, for the babies. Randi wouldn't want you making yourself sick over this."

She nodded and rubbed tears away from her cheek. "He took good care of me when I was pregnant with IceeJay. Why? Who would do something like this?"

"Do what?"

"He was shot. At his home!" That made her cry all over again.

Now, this was something serious after all. Springfield was a small, somewhat country city, with little to no crime. At least nothing like shootings going on. She wondered if it was a hate crime because he was trans, but not many people knew that he was. Since coming to Springfield for college, he had always been who he was, a man.

It took the rest of the day before Icee came back and told her everything that was happening. No one saw anything and there were no suspects in the shooting. His phone, watch and wallet were all missing, so it looked like a robbery. That did not calm Victor's nerves.

He had people on the police force giving it top priority. Meanwhile, she and her sisters had to ramp up security for the next few days until Victor felt it was all clear.

She could not believe someone close to them was gunned down in the middle of the streets in the middle of the day.

She knew Randi well, him working at KStyle Fashions and with Kitty closely. He was her glue. Kitty was so shaken up about everything. She was a mess for a few days after. She and Icee covered all the costs of the funeral for the family.

She was wondering what they all wondered. Did this have anything to do with TA? Why would TA go after Randi, he had nothing to do with any of their beef with him.

She was afraid.

Victor warned them all to stay local in Springfield till they could solve the case of who killed Randi. It could be random. It could be targeted. It could be personal. It could be someone else close to Randi. They had no answers right now. She knew Victor would find out, he was that good.

She had no problems staying in Springfield, but Primo did not like that. He was back in Italy and he wanted her to be with him.

"I want my baby to be born in my country."

She rolled her eyes at him while they video chatted. "My baby is American and will be born in America. You have me all fucked up if you think I will uproot my life over some good dick."

"That's all I am to you?"

"And the sperm donor, since you want to put a label on it," she said with a huff. "Primo, I like you, I do, I like what we had. But I told you I wasn't ready for anything else."

"All I want is to love you Kryssy, you and my baby girl. Why can't you let me? I give you everything you want, anything, my love. Is it your work? Your new business. Start it here, in Milan with me. I will help, whatever you need, I know people in the fashion world. I'll give you more money, whatever you need. Come be with me."

Now she felt some kind of way asking him for a loan to help start her business. She wanted to pay it back pronto now because he felt like that meant it pulled strings. She was not his puppet to do whatever. Money was the root of all evil, now she hated that it was just another way she was tied to him.

"Primo, look, this isn't working. Us. You're there, I'm here, and I can't keep asking you to come all the way here-"

"You don't have to ask. You're having my baby and I will be there for her."

"Then be there for the baby, not me. This is too much for me." Was she breaking up with this man that did nothing wrong? What in the hell was wrong with her?

"You don't mean that, my love." She could hear the hurt in his voice, and though it made her heart melt a little, it did not change the fact that there was no way things could work out with them.

"I'll get Icee to pay back the loan for me." She would rather owe her brother-in-law than a man that she could not have.

"No, my love. The money is yours. For you and my little one. It doesn't mean a thing to me if I can't have you Kryssy." He paused for a bit before he said more. "I am not saying goodbye, Bella...I will give you more time to think about us. Know that I love you, more than anything."

She could not even say bye to him, she simply disconnected the call. Then she lay in bed and cried and cried.

A/N: Krystle has mad issues! What is wrong with all these sisters not loving their men right (except for Kitty). Sarena, cheating! Ashley, two men and not in love with either. Tennille doesn't believe in love at all, tossing it around like it means nothing. Nola, baby sis is still confused about her life right now.

Answer...their father.

And for the record, it will all be answered in their solo books.

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