14. Tennille and Her Sisters

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They brushed her news off as if it was nothing, but it was a big deal to her. Sure, she knew her sisters were not the type to throw her ass back in the closet, but she wanted a coming-out party and they put her in a whole other group.

Was she bi? She didn't miss men, that was for sure. She was strictly punanny, and it tasted good to her so why go back to men and their fragile egos?

No, she was good.

Now her sister was sitting here telling her she was cheating on her brother-in-law like it was nothing. If Victor didn't lay hands on T-Zack, she or one of her sisters would.

"Un-unh! No, you are not playing my brother like that!" She stood up, stomping her foot to make her point. Victor practically raised her, he might as well have been her blood family. He walked her to school every morning and picked her up, from first grade on. He helped with homework, taught her how to beat a bitch's ass, and scared off any boy harassing her.

When their mother passed and she was only sixteen, he became her sole parental figure...and of course Sarena, but she gave total respect to Victor, Sarena was just bossy big sister.

Big Sister ignored her antics, barely blinked an eye at her. "Girl, what are you going to do about it?"

She stomped her foot again. "Tell him!"

Sarena stood, faced her, and gave her the look that sent shivers down her spine. A furrow on the eyebrows, a squint of an eye, a snarl on her lips.

"You're gonna what?"

"Nothing," she meekly replied and sat her ass back down. She had to weigh the ass-whooping from Sarena or the ass-whooping from Victor, who would never lay a hand on her. That was Sarena's funeral, not hers. If Sarena was ready to die, she bet not take her or any of her sisters with her.

"Girlllll, whyyyy?" Ashley said. "You're straight cheating on Victor and have no remorse?"

Sarena walked off, leaving them, and headed to the kitchen. She grabbed another bottle of wine before making it back to them.

"None of y'all know what is going on in my marriage, so stay the fuck out."

"Girl, Victor will kill that boy," Krystle said.

"Who telling him?" She looked around at all her sisters. "I ain't telling. Zack ain't telling. This shit stays in this room."

Kitty raised her hand to speak as if they were in a classroom. "So I'm supposed to not tell my husband that his best friend trying to get murdered? Okay, bye."

"He's not going to do anything. First of all, he's so busy saving the mother fucking day with TEAM he ain't bothered by what the fuck I do. I'm just enjoying some extra dick on the side, get over it."

She groaned at her sister. Her big sister who she thought was a fuddy-duddy old maid, marrying so young and popping out kids. Spent all her life taking care of her sisters and then turn around and move from their house to his house and play mommy all over again. Never her. Kids were not in her future, not now, not ever. Another plus kicking it with just women, no unwanted pregnancies.

Let her sisters have all the babies in the world, she would play with her nieces and nephews and send them packing.

"Speaking of babies!" she shouted out.

Ashley squinted her eyes at her. "Who is speaking of babies? Ain't n'an one of us mentioned a baby." Ashley cut her eyes to Sarena. "Unless..."

"Bitch, stop looking at me! The shop is closed!"

"But you-"

Sarena cut her off. "The shop is closed! Permanently! No little soldiers getting through here."

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