45. Krystle-Money, The Root of all Evil

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"Oh my gah!"

She screamed out as Primo did things to her pregnant and swollen body she did not think were possible. How the hell did he know how to have sex comfortably with a pregnant woman?

She was not going to ask any questions. Just like her sister warned, she was always horny, and Primo delivered.

"Have you had enough, amore mio?"

She knew enough Italian to know when he was whispering love words in her ear. He had said it many times since he first told her he was falling in love with her, yet, she could not say it back to him.

"Just one more time."

This time she straddled over him, having just enough control as she liked. Her hands were on his chest as he sat up a bit in the bed, resting on his elbows. He liked to look her in the eyes when they had sex. It drove her wild, that a sexy man like him desired her for more than just a fling.

"You wear me out, amore."

"Who knew pregnancy sex was the best sex?"

"I wouldn't know, I just know it's the best because it's with you." He kissed her. "I want our little girl to look just like you. Be smart as you. Be talented like you....maybe not as stubborn as you."

"Me? Stubborn?" She never thought she was, that was more her sister. Sure, she liked having things her way, didn't everyone?

After they finished their round of sex, they went to shower.

"When will you take a leave of work and stay home so I can take care of you and my girl?"

She ignored his question while he washed her back. She had not told him she was starting her maternity line. She still needed financial backing, which she planned on getting from her brother-in-law Icee. He already agreed to have it under KStyle Fashion, but it was separate from all the other clothing lines, more like a subsidiary.

K-Mommy-K, or KMK, was the name of her hip hop maternity fashion line. There was already a strong buzz for it. Who knew people wanted to look hip and young while pregnant. She used some of the same styles for KStyle for her "KMK" line.

"Primo, I love what I do, it's just not work. It's my life. I have been dreaming about this since I was a baby. Well, probably not a baby, but my first memory was of making pretty clothes for my dolls." She grabbed his body loofah and turned to scrub his chest. "Besides, my sis worked up till she had the baby and-"

"You're not your sister, you're you."

"Yes, and I know my body, I know what I can do." She kissed him. "Thank you for worrying about me. It's cute."

"Cute?" He rubbed her stomach. "I worry because of this little one. Good morning, mio bambino."

After she was dressed, she had to get to work. They got it on that early in the morning because Primo had to leave for Italy later that day. He said he would not be gone for long, but she already missed him. Maybe he was softening up her hardened heart.

"I will miss you," she said, her arms around him, kissing him goodbye.

"Not more than I miss you Kryssy, my love." He planted a kiss on her lips. "Although if you did not have to go to work, you could come with me. My parents-"

"No! I'm not ready to meet your parents."

"You're having their only grandchild, you have to meet them sooner or later.

That meant this was getting serious. Sheesh, couldn't a woman just get knocked up by a man and not make it get all serious?

"You want me to drive you to work?"

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