23. Chillax Ashley

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Back to work.

On the road doing another photo shoot, this time in New York, and this time she brought her daughter who was allowed to do online learning for the week. She was glad she got to bring Atiya and show her the finer things in life.

They stayed in a five-star hotel, wore matching hotel robes, and chilled in the hot tub. She sipped champagne, Atiya with apple juice.

"Mom, can we live here?"

"Baby girl, let's live it up better than this. As Kitty says, why shop at the mall when we can buy the mall. We can buy this hotel."

"Buy it?"

"When the money is right." And her money was right. Maybe it was time to do big things with her money. Atiya's future was already stacked and tucked away safely. She wanted to spoil her child and give her everything she did not have growing up.

Like a father. Not only one, but two. Malik may not be her biological father, but he always treated her like his child. Atiya loved him too. Not that an additional father was needed, Dallas stepped up and did more than enough.

"Mommy, we don't need to buy the hotel just come here a whole lot. I like our house. It's close to Brandy and Monica."

"And family is everything."

She was glad Atiya had Brandy and Monica whom she treated like sisters and not cousins. They were close. And maybe she would have more cousins to play with, like IceeJay when he was older, and the twins' babies too. She wondered what they were having.

Knowing them, whatever it was, they both were having the same. If one was having a boy, they both were. Same for a girl. It would be perfect.

"Mommy, this is so fun!" Atiya squealed with delight.

Now they enjoyed mommy and daughter massages in their suite. And this was all courtesy of KStyle Fashions, she did not have to drop a dime.

After they enjoyed their massages, they were given manicures, pedicures, and facials. Then the work began. She rushed off to the first photo shoot. Atiya stayed with her the whole time, getting catered to and coddled by the crew that adored her. It took less than two hours they spoiled her and were wrapped around their finger.

After the first shoot, they prepped for the next shoot.

"Mommy, I want to take pictures with you too. Can I?"

"See, when your auntie makes kid's clothes, maybe you can model them for her."

"Cool! Okay."

"Maybe we can get Atiya in a couple of pictures," the shoot director said. "She doesn't need to wear KStyle to be in it. We can come up with something."

And so he did.

It was incredible to see her daughter light up and take to the camera. She was a natural. She got her looks from her momma, it was true. Not to forget her spunky personality. Of course, she got her book smarts from her father. Dallas was the smartest man she knew. That's what initially attracted her to him, not his looks.

Once they got back to their hotel suite, she Facetimed with Krystle to see what she was up to and let her know the shoot went great.

"Hey sis," she greeted her, from her bed.

"Sis, it's not even late there, why are you in bed?"


She was going to play ignorant now. Must be those pregnancy hormones kicking in, so she was going to leave that alone.

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