59. Victor & Icee-Family is Everything

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Now Sarena was laying in the hospital with a gunshot wound.

The twins still missing.

Ashley laying on her deathbed.

Victor would do anything to save the family he grew to love. He called in every favor he had at the police station and surrounding counties. The twins were top priority because of who they were, local celebrities.

The police surrounded AKA's house as well as her mother's house. Sarena did not get much from her before she blasted her, but the police took her word that she confessed to the murder of Randi and that she helped her brother drug and rape Tennille, and assisted him while he was in hiding. In AKA's house and car, they found what they needed, where Tucker could be, and that she helped him with money and hid him. There was even evidence he was at AKA's place recently.

Victor and his guys took the info and Springfield Police Department put a call into Taney County.

The twins were in Branson, which was only an hour away.

"We can drive and make it there in forty-five," Victor said to Icee.

His brother-in-law was a mess, and rightfully so. His pregnant wife was kidnapped and missing. A psychopath had them. Who knew what the man was truly capable of? He could drug her, he could rape her, he could kill her and the babies. But Victor was not as worried, he knew Kitty and Krystle well. They had fight in them. And they were the smartest ladies he knew. They could fight their way out of anything.

His only concern being they were very pregnant. He had not trained them in the ways they could protect themselves in that situation. He had with his wife, but not the twins. In the last two years, he relaxed with their training because he thought they would be protected by Icee's fame and money. That was why he started TEAM, to protect them. He let his guard down, and this was all his fault.

He lost two of his good men. He was not going to lose his sisters.

"Fuck driving, bro! My jet will get there in twenty."

"Ice, by the time we get to the jet, get it prepped..."

"Both of you," the lead detective said to them. "They may be hurt. There was blood on the scene...in the car...in the backseat. We have two pregnant women that will be in distress. We're sending the EMT choppers."

Icee rubbed his head, hearing that, his heartbeat a bit faster. His wife, his babies, he felt so helpless. That damn coward should have come to him, like a man. They could have hashed things out, and TA would definitely caught a beatdown from him. If Kitty would have told him...

That motherfucker would have had his last breath that day. What if TA was doing the things he wanted to do to Kitty before? The mother fucker was sick and twisted, and if he laid a hand on his wife...

He and Victor decided they needed to be there as quickly as possible, so the jet was fired up and waiting by the time they made their way to it. All Icee could think about was holding Kitty in his arms again, rubbing her stomach, and talking to his girls.

Icee and Victor made it down there just as police swarmed the house that Tucker was supposed to be in.

"I need to go in there," Icee said to Victor, unfazed by the SWAT team in tactical gear and guns drawn out, helicopters above, and a news crew arriving on the scene.

"They have to secure the house, make sure that fucker won't pop off. We know he's armed. Stay back man, the motherfucker might engage in a shootout."

"With my wife and Kryssy in there?"

"Ice...we don't even know if..."

Victor didn't finish that, he didn't need to. They didn't know if Kitty and Kryssy were alive. That motherfucker could have hurt them and the babies. He did not want to think that way. They were fine he kept telling himself.

The waiting was horrific. It was like time went super slow. All he could do was watch the house, the cops going in and out discussing things with each other but not them. Victor was called over and allowed to go in the house, while police held him back making sure he did not go into the house.

Why? Was his wife not okay?

He paced around outside, saying prayers he never said in his life. Finally, Victor came out and came over to him.

"They not there."


"Twins not there and they-"

"What the hell do you mean they are not there? Where are they? Is this not the house? Where is that motherfucker?"



"Face blown off. Wasn't much to see, but they ID'ed him on what was left."

He should feel some kind of way for the motherfucker he called cousin, but he did not. Good riddance.

"But where is my wife? Where is Kryssy?"

"Not in there. There were signs they were there, so we just have to find them." Victor left him to talk to more of the cops on the scene.

There were dozens of police cars by now, an ambulance, and several of his TEAM members. They were scavaging the area, looking for any clues about where they may have gone. He was on the phone texting Sarena to check on her. Ashley was still hanging in there, but he knew that about her. She was a fighter.

CJ was watching over Tennille and Nola still at the hospital. He was glad CJ was in the girls' life, but he had been their big brother for so many years, that it was still sort of weird to count on another man looking out for them. Of course, he checked CJ out thoroughly and he was a cool kid, nothing to worry about.

It was so cold out, if the twins were outside somewhere they needed to take shelter. He knew they knew how to physically protect themselves, but this was different. This was something they could not fight their way out of and he had to think of their condition.

He wanted to go back in there and blast that asshole more dead than he already was.

Every minute they could not find the twins was a problem, but he could not voice his concerns to Icee. The man was a mess, as he should be.

He checked in with all his TEAM members and the police department that he did not know. He wasn't familiar with the Branson area or the way they did things. It was a tourist destination, they were not used to high crime like the one they stepped into. The murder of a celebrity. That would make a headline.

It wasn't murder if it was self-defense. He was sure TA did not kidnap them to sit and tell bedtime stories. He planned on hurting them, and the twins were taught to kill or be killed.

"Hey, we found them!" he heard over one of the cops' radios.

He grabbed Icee and they headed that way, but by the time they made it five miles from where the house was, the EMT helicopter airlifted them away, back to Springfield to go to the hospital.

All he got from them was that they were in hypothermia and distress.

"Let's get back to the jet. I have to be with Kitty." Icee was already headed to the police escort car they rode in from the small airport.

He watched as Icee said silent prayers on the drive back to the jet. He had no words for him, he was not the comforting type. He was all about busting heads. Was this nightmare over now? TA dead, his sister dead. His family should be safe now.

Victor had never flown in Icee's jet till now. He was not used to all the hoopla of being a celebrity. To him, Icee was just a regular guy married to his sister.

In the jet, Icee had a chance to close his eyes and breath. His wife was a fighter too, and now that they had them, she would be okay. During the twenty-minute flight, he spent it texting all his men to make sure the hospital was secure. AKA and TA may be gone, but his job was still to protect them and he took that job seriously.

The family was everything to him since he did not have much other than his parents. And they were not even his real parents.

He would kill for every last one of the Kellys, and he had before.

A/N: Yeah, the twins and their babies are in trouble but we know they are some fighters. Are you ready to meet the girls?

And oh yeah, some of Victor's inner thinking as a prelude to Sarena and his book. That's book #4.

Six Sexxy Sisters✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt