36. Living Large and In Charge Sarena

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She made the right decision breaking up Da Field Boyz and she staked her job on that. Icee signed them boys. He knew them since they were fifteen, sixteen, little rugrats in his youth mentoring group.

They idolized Icee, wanted to be the next Fact Iz, and she came in and destroyed that dream. Well, the truth was, they were nowhere near Fact Iz level. Anyone with eyes could see. They did not have the sound, the look, or the determination to put in the hard work. None of them had stand-out flows like Cra-C or had mastery with writing good rhymes.

Except for Tone. He had something and it was not just because he was dating Nola.

He had a look and a vibe about him, and she knew she was right when she heard the first song he brought to her.

Mad at the World. The song went hard, it was everything she wanted from him, to feel that pain and put it in a song.

"Genius level, that's all I have to say."

She sat in the studio with Tone listening to his new song, ready to discuss business and how she wanted to market him. She could see him riding off Icee's coattails as being a wannabe him. He had the looks for sure, and judging by his flow in his first solo song, he had the swag.

"You think so?" he said to her while they listened to the playback.

"And good idea putting CJ in there for the hook, though you didn't run that shit by me, I like that you are taking the initiative."

Tone stopped the track and focused on her. "CJ wants more time in the studio, said you ain't trying to let him record."

"So now you speak for my little brother? I told him to wait his turn. Now do you want me to continue to mold you to bet the next Icee, or do you want to leave with your boys and run the streets again?"

"I ain't never run the street, don't let these tats on my face fool ya."

"Right, right, okay look, this track is hot. I want this out to the world ASAP. We will get this heard before the Grammys, let your name get out there."

"You want me to go to the Grammys?"

"Sure. Why not? At least hit up some of the Grammy parties. I'll see if Icee can get you in. Mingle with some big shots so they see you're serious. Are you ready for the big leagues? No more local."

"It's just hard to be out here by myself without my boys by my side."

And that was his problem. He did not need a crew. There were successful solo rappers. Even better, it was preferred.

"You need men by your side, remember that. Work on your social media more boy, you're lacking, and you're too young to be not using that on a hundred. Watch CJ, look at what he does. And then do more."

She hit the TikTok app on her tablet and pulled up CJ's account. Though they were small clips of him singing, he had a nice following. Once she got a professional to help him with his SMs, he could take off before he even released a song. That was her plan for him, not pushing him out there and riding off his name.

"Man, I-"

"I'm getting both of you some social media experts to help out. Oh, better still, look at Tennille. The whole success of her album and why she has a Grammy nomination is off the social media hype."

Tone scoffed at that, grinned, and rubbed his hands together. "And not the fact that she is Kitty's sister, Icee's sister in-in-law and that the Six Sexxy Sisters campaign blew y'all up like y'all was the Braxtons or sumthin."

Rolling her eyes, she waved that bullshit off. "Braxtons, sheesh, they wish. We're the Kellys. Now get back to work. Call me down when you have another hit."

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