22. HBIC Kitty

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Finally, the day was here.

Her dream come true. The Grand Opening of the Ice Kingdom Mall.

Not in her wildest dreams did she think something she playfully thought of would be happening. She could remember from as early as twelve years old saying there needed to be a second mall in Springfield. The city was small but big enough to have another major mall. Most of the residents were happy with the one mall and half a dozen Walmarts.

Not her.

She liked nice things, and she liked to shop, not buy everything online. Malls were a dying breed. Everyone shopped online now. She figured the best way to beat the ease of shopping online was to give them a shopping experience at her mall.

There were two different full spas that provided every service invented and then some. Ten designer dresses only stores, a dozen outlet designers brand stores, several jewelry, and trinkets stores, about twenty shoe stores because she was a shoe girl, a kids play area, a teen game room, a men's sports bar, and seven restaurants connected, not counting the food court that held a dozen more food options.

Every time she got an idea, she would ask the architect if it was possible to add and he would. Nothing like this in Springfield, Missouri or the surrounding area. They would get people from all around wanting to shop at the Ice Kingdom Mall.

Still, she was nervous that no one would show. Times were hard and people were down and out on their luck. Money was tight. She was lucky she did not have to worry about money anymore, but she grew up worrying about money every day. Maybe no one had extra spending money to shop.

It was the weekend after Thanksgiving, so Black Friday was over. Some people had done the bulk of their holiday shopping. She wanted to be open a month ago, but it kept getting pushed back, so she was lucky to catch the holiday season at all.

Everything happened for a reason. She said a prayer and got ready for her day to spend at the mall.

Jolene came into her dressing room holding a crying IceeJay.

"I think he senses you are about to leave."

"Aw, my little fat man." She took the baby out of her arms and rocked him. "Mommy has to go to work, but when I come back, I will play with you and cuddle that chubby face and hold you all night."

He calmed down, but not because of her. He positioned himself to be fed because the boy was always hungry.

"Okay, I'll feed you now. Jolene is there enough milk stored for the day? I feel like all I do is pump for this boy."

"Plenty, we will be fine. I think he just prefers you, some babies are like that."

That made her feel guilty for being a working mom when she could have easily been a stay-at-home mom. Stay home, feed the baby from her breast, not a bottle. Be the only one changing his diaper and holding him when he cried.

She knew she was not the only woman in the world to ever work and leave their baby, but it still felt brutal. IceeJay was three months now, he still needed her. After today's mall opening, she would spend less time working and more with him.

And not to forget the baby she was carrying now. How was she going to do it?

The only way she knew how. Just do it!

After IceeJay was fed and happy, she finished dressing and headed to the garage to get in her car. She could walk to the mall, but she thought it best to not show up sweaty and stinky at her big event. She knew her sisters would be there, and all their friends. She wondered if her father would be there. Her brother she had yet to meet?

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