34. Kitty-Baby, Baby, Baby

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Her sister was drama, but she was happy that things were finally working out with her and Primo.

Now she could move on with her life and planning for the baby. With Icee home now, he waited on her hand and foot. Always rubbing her back, and her feet, helping her do little things that she did not need help with. Feeding her, helping her get dressed, pulling her locs in a ponytail.

"I'm not an invalid."

"I want you to take it easy this go round, have it better than with Jay."

"I think everything was fine with IceeJay, till the end. I'm sure I will calm down all my work when that gets closer."

"Babe, I ain't letting you walk around in heels and think you're superwoman this time around. Take a load off. That's why you have assistants and your assistants have assistants."

Icee was not wrong about that. She was finally getting used to living the rich chick life. Hired even more help around the house, and two new assistants to replace Randi. Made her life run a lot smoother.

"So twin just texted me...she's having a girl."

"What? Yes, that's what's up," Icee said, continuing to rub her feet while they lounged on the sofa in their room.

"I know that's what you want even though you haven't said anything about it."

"I mean, one of each would be cool."

"But we're not stopping with two right, I told you I wanted a lot."

"Babe, the way we going at it now, you'll be pregnant every damn year," he said, kissing her feet. "I love your stinky toes, ma."

"My feet do not stink!" She giggled and kicked him. "And how about we wait a few years between this one. Sheesh, I want to know what it's like to not be pregnant and be married to my man. You realize since we've been married, I've been pregnant most of it."

"Ain't nothing wrong with that! The Bible said, be fruitful and multiply."

"Boy...when have you read a bible? Just hush."

"Kitty, I thought you wanted just three?"

She went back and forth with it at times, especially after the pain of labor with IceeJay. Once the pain part was over, it was pure bliss.

"I haven't settled on a number, but I want a lot. Why not? We have the means to take care of as many kids as we want. We can give them our attention and everything else they need. Neither you nor I need to work ever again and our kids will be good."

"I love when you talk like my queen." He kissed her. "How do I love you more each and every day Kitty Kelly? They broke the mode when they made you."

"We've not had it easy Icee, but long as we keep trusting each other, communicating with each other..."

"Loving each other...and making love to each other."

She laughed at him.

"You're laughing but I'm for real. Babe, the sex game on ten. You the right kind of freak and I didn't think you had it in you."

"Why? Because I was celibate when I met you."

"Exactly!" He kissed her as he caresses her breast, she knew that meant he was ready to get it in. "I'm looking forward to making love to you when we get old and gray. I might need a little pill, but Imma still be a horny old toad, like my Pops."

"Ugh! Stop talking about Pops while you're trying to have sex with me."

"You're not too tired? We can do a little something something?"

Six Sexxy Sisters✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora