28. Kitty-Icee's Back!

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"Guess who is back and home for good?"

Kitty was in the playroom with IceeJay, sitting on the floor as he chewed on a teether and babbled away, drool dripping from his mouth. He was already a talkative baby, always making noises as if he wanted to talk.

"Hey Ice," she said, still playing with IceeJay.

Icee, dressed in dark gray sweats and a long white tee, stepped out of his black Nikes. Even dressed down, Icee was never without his diamond earring studs, diamond-crusted Rolex, a couple of platinum chains that were iced out, and some things. He knew it take that off when he wanted to hold his don so he started to take all of that off.

"That's the greeting I get?"

"It's not always about you."

"The hell it is!" Icee got down on the floor and pulled her in his arms, kissing her. "I missed these lips."

She laughed, pushing him away. "Look at your son, trying to talk my ear off."

"He has a lot to say, ain't that's right, my man." He picked up IceeJay, taking the teether from his mouth. "And how's my other baby?"

Icee rubbed her stomach, and she snuggled close to him.

"Glad you're home. It's a good thing I haven't been sick with this baby. Not tired or anything, just trying to balance everything is the hardest."

"You can always give up something like you gave up running KStyle for Jay."

"I'm not giving up anything. I just have to find a balance. I've hired people to help me take the load off. Randi is great at what he is doing now. I have a new assistant starting soon, things will be great."

He gave her another kiss. "I still want you to take it easy ma, I don't want anything to happen to your or my baby."

"You're home now Ice, that helps me out a lot."

"Yeah, I've been missing seeing my man get so big. What you feeding him, he looks likes he is eating steak and potatoes."

"Now you know my child will not..."

"Baby steak? He can't have his first taste of meat soon?"

"I thought we agreed, he's going to be vegetarian like me. We've already started him eating food, Marcello makes him homemade baby food. Just fruits and veggies for now."

"A'ight, a'ight, but when he gets older, and he asks for a steak or a hotdog or a hamburger, I'm giving it to him."

"If he chooses to eat meat, at whatever age, I'll let him. But watch, my baby going to be strong and healthy without meat. Look at him now."

IceeJay was well over the curve for weight and height, meaning he was going to be tall and chubby unless he lost the baby weight once he started to walk and lean out. Right now the pediatrician was not concerned about his weight, that just meant he was healthy.

Icee wanted to hold IceeJay all day and never put him down. She let him, he earned that. The movie was done filming, it would be a while before it was edited and released. Until then, he had no more projects, except to stay home and run his businesses. He wanted to focus on the music label and Victor's security company. There was plenty for him to do.

While Icee kept busy with IceeJay, she worked with Marcello and Deanna to finish planning for the Christmas party at her house. This was the first time everyone would be there, including CJ. She was excited to have him there since she met him in passing at Da Factory Hitz when he was hanging with Tennille.

She knew nothing else about the boy, except he could sing and Sarena was going to sign him.

Still was weird to her.

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